Good To You

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Chapter 48

"Josh, can you tell me where we're going for our honeymoon now?" Lizzie asks.

"No! It's a surprise!"

"Come on! We're leaving soon, and you packed my suitcase I'm scared!"

"Well I couldn't let you pack without you getting a idea of where we're going!"

"Can you please tell me?"



"Okay, come here!" Josh motions Lizzie to move closer. Lizzie moves closer. Josh moves Lizzie's hair behind her ear.

"Okay, we're going... A place!" Josh whispers. Lizzie looks at him.

"No shit Sherlock!"

"Well, you asked!" Lizzie and Josh are almost at the airport now. Matt, Nicole, Ian, and Mike are at the airport to say good bye to Josh and Lizzie. They say there good byes. Josh and Lizzie go through security and stuff like that. Finally they head on the plane.

"Can you tell me now?"

"No, just wait!"

"Fine!" The plane starts to take off. Lizzie's grip on Joshs hand become more tight.

"Lizzie, it's okay! I promise!" Lizzie smiles at Josh.


"Do you want to do something to keep your mind off of it?"

"Like what?"

"I don't know, talk?" Josh suggests.

"About what?"

"I don't know."

"How about, you tell me where we're going?"

"Good try, but no!"

"Fine!" Later, Lizzie falls asleep. So does Josh. The plane lands.

"We're here!" Josh says. Lizzie and Josh stand up and stretch there cramped legs. Lizzie and Josh walk out if the plane and into the airport.

"Josh, are we really here?!" Lizzie asks excited.

"We're really here!" Josh answers.

"I can't believe we're in Hawaii!"

"Well we are!" Lizzie gives Josh a huge smile. They grab their luggage and drive to the hotel. Josh checks in. Josh and Lizzie go to their hotel room.

"Josh, this is huge!"

"It's one of the biggest in the hotel! Josh sets the bags down.

"Josh, you shouldn't have!"

"I did! Only the best for you. For us!" Lizzie kisses Josh.

"I love you!"

"I love you to!" Lizzie flops down on the bed.

"This is the comfiest bed ever! Well besides ours at home!" Lizzie laughs.

"Well it's almost lunch. What do you want for lunch?"

"Preferably food!"

"Hmm, to bad I was thinking about sheets!" Lizzie laughs.

"Okay, lets go down and eat something!" Lizzie and Josh go down to a restaurant and have lunch. Later Lizzie and Josh go to their hotel.

"What do you want to do now?"

"I'm going to take a nap! I'm really tired."

"Okay, I guess I'll watch a movie." Lizzie climbs on the bed, Josh does the same and hold Lizzie in his arms. Lizzie puts her head on his chest. Lizzie falls asleep. Soon Josh does the same. In a couple hours Lizzie wakes up, still in Joshs death grip. She hears Joshs phone ringing. One nice thing about Lizzie, is that she lets Josh have his privacy. Soon Josh wakes up to. Josh notices his grip so tight on Lizzie and loosens it. Lizzie sits up. Josh starts laughing.

"What? What's so funny?" Lizzie starts to worry.

"There's lines on your face from my shirt!" Josh laughs. Lizzie sighs in relief.

"It's not that funny!"

"Yes it is! Do you want to go for supper now?" Josh asks.

"Sure, just let me go brush my hair." Lizzie walks to get bag and grabs her hair brush. She walks to the bathroom.

"You know, I never got why you always have your hair down and in your face."

"I guess it's a comfort thing!"

"But, your porcelain skin and flawless features are so beautiful!"

"Thank you!" Lizzie walks out of the bathroom and over to Josh.

"Your welcome!" Josh pulls Lizzie closer and kisses her neck.

"Lets go for supper now!" Lizzie says.

"Okay." Lizzie and Josh go have supper.

"Oh yea, your phone was ringing before you woke up." Lizzie tells Josh. They both get seated at a table.

"Oh thanks!" Josh pulls out his phone and sees four new messages appear on his lock screen.

"Yep!" Lizzie starts reading the menu. Josh reads the messages.

/Did you get there alright?/-Mike

/Did you get to Hawaii safely?/-Mom

/Hey man, get there fine?/-Matt

/Hey Joshy! When do you want to get together again? I miss you! Well see you soon! Love Amanda!/-Amanda Josh reads his text messages.

"Oh it's just Mike, Matt, and my mom asking if we got here safely. And, Amanda."

"Amanda? As in your ex?"


"I know I always respect your space and all, but what did she say?" Lizzie asks. Josh opens the message again and shows her the message.

"What does she mean again?" Lizzie asks getting a bit frustrated.

"Lizzie it's okay! I don't know what she means I haven't seen her since she came over to our house. She just, isn't letting go!"

"Josh it's been years! Most people get over it by now!"

"Well she was obsessive with me! That's one of the reasons why I broke up with her!"

"I guess! But what did she mean by see you soon?"

"I don't know! Can we just forget about all this! It's out honeymoon we're supposed to be celebrating us!"

"You're right!"

"Can we have any volunteers for the hula dance? Boys and girls!" A voice says.

"I volunteer my husband!" Lizzie yells.

"No, Lizzie!" Someone comes and grabs Joshs hand and drags him on stage.

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