Beside You

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Chapter 36

Everyone had breakfast. Lizzie felt it was still a bit awkward between her and Matt. All day at random times Nicole and Lizzie would get foot rubs, because they won the game of pool.

"Hey, you guys still owe us each 50$!" Lizzie says.

"Yea, yea." Matt mumbles.

"What do you guys wanna do today?" Mike asks.

"Uhh, go shopping?" Ian suggests.

"It's really rainy and not nice out today." Nicole says.

"Yea, you're right." Ian says back.

"Movie marathon?" Matt suggests.

"Sure! Where?" Josh asks.

"Do you wanna go to your room again?" Mike asks.

"Sure, as long as it's okay with Josh?" Lizzie says looking towards Josh.

"Fine with me" Everyone heads up to Josh and Lizzie's room.

"What movie?" Nicole asks. Everyone thinks for a bit.

"Oh I know!" Josh says.

"What?" Everyone says.

"Mean Girls!" Josh suggests.

"NO!" Everyone yells.

"Okay, okay!"

"Another horror?" Mike says.

"Do you think it'll turn into a comedy?" Lizzie asks. *cough cough* "Ian!" *cough cough* Everyone starts laughing. Ian rolls his eyes.

"Sure! Lets go with another horror!" Nicole says.

"I'll make some popcorn again!" Lizzie says.

"I'll help, again!" Nicole laughs.

"So is everything okay with you and Matt now?" Lizzie asks.

"Umm better then when I found out. Sure he was drunk, but..."

"I get it! Do you, blame me?"

"No! Of coarse not!"

"Okay good!"

"Yep!" Nicole and Lizzie bring in a couple bowls of popcorn. Lizzie sits down to Josh, Josh puts his arm around her. Nicole sits down beside Matt, Matt also puts his arm around Nicole. Ian and Mike sit on the floor again. Halfway through the movie Lizzie says,

"Hey Mike and Ian is the floor comfy down there?" Lizzie asks giggling.

"The best!" Ian replies.

"I'll trade spots with one of you." Lizzie offers.

"No thanks! I don't want your boyfriends arm around me!" Lizzie laughs.

"Oh okay!" Lizzie gets up.

"Aww, there's no more pop left! I'll go get some from the vending machine down the hall. Anybody want anything?" Lizzie asks.

"Orange crush!" Nicole says.

"Iced tea please!" Ian says.

"Coke!" Mike says.

"Water please hun!" Josh says.

"Root beer!" Matt says.

"Okay got it! 2 orange crush, 1 for me 1 for Nicole. 1 iced tea. 1 coke. 1 water, and 1 root beer! Okay I think I got it!" Lizzie leaves. She walks out the door takes a couple steps and runs into someone.

"Sorry!" Lizzie says immediately! She spilt his drink over his shirt.

"No, I'm sorry I should have been watching where I was going!" Lizzie thought she recognized his voice. Zack takes his shirt off.


"Lizzie?" Zack is Lizzie's ex boyfriend, he cheated on her multiple times.

"I haven't seen you in awhile!"

"Yea. How've you been?"

"Pretty good! I'm engaged! And you?"

"I'm dating Maddy." Maddy is the girl Zack cheated on Lizzie with.

"So who are you engaged to?"




"I thought you to were best friends!"

"We were! Now we're engaged!" Zack grabs Lizzie waist.

"I know you're still in love with me!" Lizzie tries to get away put Zack pulls her closer and tighter.

"No I'm not! I love Josh!" Zack kisses Lizzie. Lizzie pulls away.

"Zack get off of me!" Lizzie says. Zack stops kissing her. Lizzie is on the verge of tears, but she couldn't cry in front of Zack she can't give him that satisfaction.

"What's wrong babe?"

"Don't call me babe! And get off of me and go away!" A person walks out of there room and Zack leaves. Lizzie gets the pop and walks back into the room, and starts crying. Josh gets up to go comfort Lizzie.

"What's wrong babe?" Josh asks wiping tears from her face. Everyone gets up to go see what's wrong with Lizzie.

"I-I ran into Zack!" Josh hugs Lizzie.

"Oh god!" Nicole says.

"What did he do to you?" Josh asks concerned.

"I accidentally ran into him in the hallway spilling his drink all over him. He took his shirt, he started talking about how things were about our lives. He's dating Maddy by the way!"

"She's a whore!" Nicole mumbles to herself.

"And then I told him that I'm engaged to you. Then he grabbed my waist and said that I'm still in love with him, and stuff. Then he kissed me. I pulled him away from me and told him to get off me and go away! Then a person from another room walked out then Zack walked away."

"Lizzie, it's okay!"

"Here Liz! Come here!" Nicole says hugging Lizzie, she walks her to the couch, Lizzie still crying.

"Josh we have to beat this guy!" Mike says.

"He can't just go kissing Lizzie like that!" Ian says.,

"If that person never walked out of his room, Zack probably would have done more!"

"I know! But we don't know his room number!"

"We'll find him!"

"Lizzie do you know what room Zack walked out of?" Matt asks.

"The one across the hall!"

"Okay thanks babe!" Josh says.

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