Good To You

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Chapter 50

"I'm gonna go grab a drink, wanna come?" Lizzie asks.

"Sure, lets go!" Lizzie and Josh go to a bar near a pool.

"What can I get you?" A waiter asks Lizzie and Josh. Lizzie and Josh give the waiter their order. They get their drinks quickly.

"So what do you wanna do tonight?" Josh asks taking a sip of his drink.

"I don't know! What do you wanna do?" Lizzie asks playfully.

"Do you wanna eat supper then go to our room and talk?"

"Why don't we talk on the beach tonight?"

"Okay." A waiter brings a drink over to Lizzie.

"It's from these to guys across the bar." The waiter points. It's the two guys who were flirting with Lizzie earlier. They wave, Lizzie waves back.

"Look who it is!" Lizzie says. Josh looks.

"Oh, them." The to men stand up and walk over to Josh and Lizzie, and sit next to Lizzie.

"Thanks for the drink!"

"No problem!"

"So what's goin on?" One of the guys asked.

"Oh nothin much! Just talking to my husband!" Josh smiles. They guys smile back.

"You're one lucky guy! Don't ever forget it! If he breaks your heart I'm here!" Lizzie laughs at what he said.

"I know I'm a lucky guy!" Josh kisses Lizzie's cheek.

"Well, we gotta go! See you around!"

"See ya!" Lizzie waves. She laughs at how desperate guys can get.

"Where should we go for supper?" Lizzie asks.

"Why don't we go over there?" Josh points to a place.

"Sure!" Lizzie replies. Later, Lizzie and Josh get changed out of their bathing suits and into clothes to go for supper. Lizzie and Josh walk out of their hotel room. Lizzie starts skipping. Josh looks confused, but laughs.

"What are you doing Liz?"

"I'm skipping! What does it look like?" She laughs. Josh starts skipping, and catches up to Lizzie.

"We are a odd pair!" Josh laughs.

"But we're the best odd pair!" Lizzie smiles. Josh smiles back.

"True!" They stop skipping, and Josh puts his arm around Lizzie. They get to the restaurant and order their supper. They finish their supper and start to walk on the beach. Lizzie holding her heels in her hands. Josh took his shoes off to. The cool water hitting their feet from the ocean.

"I love you!" Lizzie says.

"I love you to Liz!" They kiss. And again, and again.

"Lets go back up to our room!" Lizzie says pulling away.

"Okay, lets go!" Lizzie and Josh walk in to the elevator holding hands, the two guys were also in that elevator.

"You look familiar, do I know you?" One of the guy asks Josh.

"I'm in a band, if that's what you mean."

"What one?"

"Marianas Trench."

"Oh yea! Love your music! Josh Ramsay right?"


"Can you sign my shirt?"

"Yep!" Josh pulls out a sharpie from his pocket and signs the guys shirt.


"Your welcome!" The door opens for Lizzie and Joshs floor.

"Bye!" Lizzie and Josh say running towards their room holding hands. Josh unlocks the door. Lizzie walks to the balcony. Josh follows and hugs Lizzie from behind and kisses her cheek. Lizzie turns around and kisses Josh. Josh pulls Lizzie closer. Lizzie removes Joshs shirt, then walk back in their room and shuts the door to the balcony. Lizzie and Josh start kissing again. Lizzie jumped up on the tall bed and sat down, still kissing Josh.


Lizzie wakes up and gets dressed.

"Josh?" No answer. Lizzie hears the radio start to play. Then water start to run. Lizzie knew Josh was in the shower. Lizzie decided to watch the television until Josh was ready to go have breakfast. Lizzie found a English channel. It ended up being a F.R.I.E.N.D.S. rerun. One of her favourite television shows. Josh walks out of the bathroom in a towel and goes up to Lizzie and hugs her from behind and kisses her cheek.

"Oh good morning! You scared me!"

"Good morning beautiful! Why did I scare you?"

"'Cahse usually when I'm watching tv a half naked man comes and hugs me and kisses my cheek!" Lizzie laughs.

"I hope not!" Lizzie laughs again. Josh gets dressed. They head down for breakfast. Lizzie ordered pancakes with some pineapple on the side. Josh ordered waffles with some pineapple on the side.

"No wonder Matt likes this place so much!" Josh says.

"Why?" Lizzie laughs.

"There's pineapple in almost everything you order!" Josh and Lizzie laugh.

"What do you wanna do today? We only have a couple days left!"

"Don't remind me! I love it here! Especially with you here with me!"

"Well we could come here once or twice a year, with more people maybe?"

"That'd be fun!"

"So what do you wanna do today?"

"Hmm I don't know! What do you wanna do today?"

"I don't know!" Soon Josh and Lizzie agree on something to do. The rest of the days on their honeymoon flew by. They fly home today.

"I'll miss here!" Lizzie says.

"Yea, me too!" Josh says picking up some bags. Lizzie picks some bags up they both get in a taxi. The taxi drives them to the airport. They go through security and other stuff. Soon enough they got on the plane. Lizzie grabs Josha hand. When the plane starts to take off Lizzie grips Joshs hand tighter. Lizzie puts her head on Joshs shoulder. Josh kisses Lizzie's head.

"It's okay!" Josh whispers in Lizzie's ear. Lizzie smiles.

"I'm looking forward to seeing everyone again! I missed everyone!"

"Me too! Believe it or not I even missed the band!" Lizzie laughs. Soon the plane lands. Lizzie and Josh get to the doors, to find Nicole, Matt, Mike, and Matt waiting there for them. Lizzie spots all of them and runs towards them, dropping the bags.


"LIZZIE!" They say at the same time. They have a group hug.

"Don't mind! I got the bags!" Josh says sarcastically.

"Oh sorry!" Lizzie runs back and grabs her carry-on. Lizzie and Nicole go wait for Lizzie and Joshs bags. Ian, Josh, Matt, and Mike stay back and talk.

"Dude, you went to Hawaii and you're still pale!" Mike says. The rest of them laugh.

"Guys, I got a text from Amanda."

"Oh god!"

"What'd Lizzie say?"

"She was just wondering what she wanted."

"Well, how'd the rest of your trip go?"

"Great! Two guys kept flirting with Lizzie though."

"Oh god. Did you get super jealous again?"

"No! I kept my cool!"

"Oh yea, 'cause you're cool!" Matt says.

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