Cross My Heart

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Chapter 15

"Okay." You stand up and walk to the kitchen. You start making the meat. Now chopping tomatoes.


"If you're trying to fool me, it's not working!"

"NO! I ACTUALLY CUT MY FINGER!" Josh walks in the kitchen seeing blood all over the cutting board.

"Wow! Did you actually?"

"No, I always hold my finger in pain!"

"Fine! But let me see." You show Josh your finger, blood all over the cloth you had on it.

"Ow, Josh it hurts a lot!"

"It looks pretty bad! Lets go to the hospital!" Lizzie put the cloth back on her finger.

You both got to the hospital.

"Hey, my girlfriend cut her finger. It's pretty bad. Can we get it checked out?" Josh tells the girl behind the counter.

"Sure! Come on, follow me."

"Can my boyfriend come?"

"Sure!" Josh follows behind the girl and Lizzie. The girl leads you both into a room.

"I'm gonna need you to fill this out." She hands a paper to Josh.

"Oh by the way, my name is Lacey."

"Josh." She shakes Joshs hand. Josh starts filling the paper out.

"Health card?"

"It's in my wallet, in my back pocket." You both stand up. Josh reaches into your back pocket.

"Josh, don't grab my ass, just get my wallet!"

"That's what I'm trying to do."

"You're trying to grab my ass?"

"No! I'm trying to get your wallet!... There got it!" Josh fills in the rest of the paper.

Lacey, the nurse walks in the room.

"All finished?"

"Yes." Josh hands Lacey the paper.

"Okay. I'll go give this to the doctor, and I'll be right back to check out your finger."

"Okay, thanks!" You say to Lacey. Lacey walks back in.

"So let me see your finger Lizzie." You show your finger to Lacey.

"That's pretty deep! I think you'll need stitches." The doctor should be here soon. He will have the final say." She leaves. A couple minutes later, the doctor walks in.

"Hello Lizzie! So how'd you get your finger cut?"

"I was cutting a tomatoe and the knife slipped."

"Oh okay. Can I see?"

"Yup." You show the doctor your finger.

"Ouch! You're gonna need stitches!"

"Okay, thanks doctor!" The doctor nods. The doctor grabs all the things you need to stitch a wound. He starts.

"So, Lizzie is this your boyfriend?"

"Yes, his name's Josh!" You smile at Josh.

"I see." The doctor continues to stich up the cut.

"Almost done!" He finishes.

"Thank you!"

"Your welcome! Come back in a week, and I'll see how your cut is healing."

"Okay no problem!" You stand up. You and Josh walk out of the hospital.

"Lets go home now!"

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