Face The Music

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Chapter 11

"Do you need any help?" You asked Josh.

"No I don't think so, but you can sit here and keep me company!"

"I can do that!" Josh starts cutting vegetables.

"OWWW!" Josh screams!

"Josh babe, what's wrong?" You see lots of blood. You scream.

"AHHHH! Are you okay? Do I need to drive you to the hospital?" Josh is holding a cloth to his finger.

"Nah, I'll be fine!"

"You just cut your finger! You might need stitches!"

"No I won't!" You looked confused.

"Why do you say that?"

"'Cause I'm just kidding! Hahaha!" Josh continues to laugh!

"That wasn't funny!" You say hitting him playfully.

"Y-yes it was!" He stutters, because he was laughing so damn hard!

"Gosh your laugh is so weird!"

"Thank you! Do you know what I just realized?" He says calming down a bit.


"You called me babe!"

"So? You called me baby!" You kind of blush.

"But still!... I kinda liked it!"

"I, kinda did to!" You blush again.

"Well I'm gonna finish cooking supper." Josh breaks the ice.

"Wait, if that's not blood what is it?"

"Watered down ketchup."

"Oh that makes sense." Josh continues to make supper, after cleaning up the ketchup.

You and Josh have a conversation.

"Suppers ready!" Josh says.

"Yay! Lets hope it's good!"

"Of coarse it'll be good I made it!" You and Josh look at each other.

"Actually nevermind! Haha!"

You eat supper and Josh says,

"Lizzie, I need to tell you something!"

"What is it Josh?"

"I think I, I love you! Do you want to be my girlfriend?" He says kind of nervously.


"Liz, this better be one of your jokes!"

"Josh, I hate to say this, but it's not!" Josh looks down in sadness.

"Josh! I'm just kidding! I love you to! Of coarse I want to be your girlfriend!" Josh looks up with a gigantic smile on his face! You hug, and kiss! You clean up the kitchen.

You get a text from Matt.

'Hey liz, Josh told me about you to!'

"I know! But I still haven't told him about what almost happened with us yet!'

'And there's no need to! Nothing happened'

'But we made out, and you're his best friend, and I'm his girlfriend, I don't think I can just not tell him'

'I know, but don't tell him yet! It's not the right time!'

'Fine! Ok well I'm gonna go now!' Bye Matt.'

'Bye Lizzie.'

You go sit down beside Josh. He puts his arm around you. You fit perfectly together, it's like you are meant to be together, forever!

"I love you!"

"I love you too!" You say back to Josh. The phone rings.

"You turn your head to the phone and say,

"The phone! The phone is ringing!" You stand up to answer it. Josh pulls you down on his lap, and kisses you.

"Josh the phone is ringing!" He kisses your neck.

"If it's important they'll leave a message!" You kiss him again. You make out. Some how after you two made out, you ended up on top of him on the couch.

"I love you!" You whisper in his ear, as he's kissing your neck.

"I love you to!" He whispers in your ear.

(Not going in to much detail, it's up to your imagination)

You watch tv for a bit.

"Josh I'm tired, I wanna go to bed, but I don't have pajamas."

"And what do you want me to do about that?"

"Well I can go home..."

"NO! I want you to stay here! I'll go get you a shirt if mine!"

"Thank you!"

"Yup!" He walks out of his room. And hands you a shirt.

"Thanks!" You walk to his room and go under the covers and fall asleep.

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