Beside You

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Chapter 40

Nicole comes through the door.

"Ian, tissues and two glasses of water!" Ian runs to grab the stuff Nicole asked for. Ian comes back with a box of tissues and two glasses of water.


"What's the water for?" Ian asks.

"I'm really thirsty!" Ian laughs. Nicole walks over to Lizzie.

"Do you want to tell me what happened?" Nicole asks Lizzie.

"Sure." Nicole sits down beside Lizzie. Lizzie tells her what happened.

"And when I came here, I was soaking wet and I asked to borrows Ian shirt, that's why I'm wearing it by the way. And Josh walked through Ian's door and saw me, with Ian's shirt on, my messy hair, and I was leaning up against Ian, because I was tired. He asked me if Ian and I did you know, and I said no it's not what it looks like then he stormed out of the house, I chased after him and said I love him, and he said I thought you did to. Them he drove away and I started crying more! Then Ian called you."

"Well that seems like quite a day! But it'll all be okay by the end!"

"How do you know?"

"Because I'm going to call Matt, and he's going to calm Josh down, and tell him what really happened between you and Ian!"

"Okay thanks Nicole! But what if Josh still doesn't forgive me?"

"He will!"

"How do you know?"

"Well he loves you right?"

"Yea, I think so!"

"Well he does, so he'll forgive you!"

"I hope so!" Nicole calls Matt.

*On the phone*

"Hey Matt?"


"Can you do me and Lizzie a favor?"


"Can you go over to Josh and Lizzie's house and tell Josh what really happened between Lizzie and Ian?"

"What happened?"

"Well Josh and Lizzie got into a big fight and when Josh came over to Ian's house because he was looking for Lizzie. Josh saw Lizzie wearing Ian's shirt, her hair was messy, and she was leaning on Ian because she was tired."

"Yea, I guess so. When do I go over?"


"Okay, what do I do when Josh wants to apologies to Lizzie?"

"Tell him to come over to Ian's house and bring some clothes!"

"Okay! I love you! See ya later!"

"I love you to bye!" They both hang up.

"Okay Lizzie, Matt said he's on his way over to your house."

"Okay thank you! You're the best! You know exactly what to do! You've helped me so much! This is why you're my best friend!"

"Aww, your welcome Liz!" Nicole and Lizzie hug. There's a knock at the door. Ian goes to get the door.

"That's not Josh, is it?" Lizzie asks.

"Probably not yet." It's Mike.

"Hey Mike, what are you doing here?" Lizzie asks.

"Ian told me what happened. I thought you could use a friend!"

"I have some here! But you're welcome to come join if you want!" Lizzie laughs. Mike goes to sit down beside Lizzie. A couple hours later there's a knock at the door. Ian looks through the window. It's Josh.

"Hey Liz can you get that?" Ian asks.

"I guess so." Lizzie stands up and answers the door. Josh is standing there with some clothes and roses.

"JOSH!" Lizzie hugs Josh so hard they both fall to the ground.

"I'm so sorry!" Lizzie says then kisses Josh.

"No I'm sorry! I'm so sor-" Josh gets cut off.

"Okay, either get a room! Or go get some clothes on Lizzie!" Ian says. Lizzie laughs. She gets off Josh and grabs the clothes he brought. Lizzie goes to the bathroom and changes. She comes out and says,

"Josh do you have any taste in clothes?"


"I look like Dora! Orange shorts and a pink t shirt! Really?" Lizzie laughs.

"Haha sorry! I just wanted to come say sorry to you, so I just grabbed anything!"

"About saying sorry, I'm sorry the way I acted! I want to get married! I really do! I love you! I can't stand to think what I'd do without you!"

"It's okay Lizzie I forgive you! I'm sorry for shouting and swearing at you, for accusing you and Ian of you know, when you just wanted one of his shirts because you were soaking wet, and that you were tired! I'm sorry for everything I said! I love you! And I want to get married! I'm sorry!" Josh apologizes.

"I forgive you!" Lizzie wraps her arms around Joshs neck and kisses him.

"Awwe!" They hear Nicole, Mike, Ian, and Matt say. Lizzie laughs at them. Josh and Lizzie hug each other.

"Lets give them some space!" Nicole says. She leaves her iPod playing slow music. They all leave to Ian's kitchen. Josh and Lizzie start slow dancing. Lizzie's hands on Joshs shoulders, and Joshs hands on Lizzie's waist. They just danced, and stared into each others eyes all night. Mike leaves. Later Nicole and Matt are just about to leave and Lizzie says,

"Just wait a second Josh!" Lizzie stops Nicole.

"Nicole, I can't thank you enough!"

"No problem! I'm just looking out for you! Because this is what I'd do for you, and I think you'd do this for me!" Lizzie hugs Nicole.

"Matt's waiting in the car! I gotta go!"

"Bye Nicole!"

"Bye Lizzie!" Lizzie goes back to Josh and starts dancing again. For hours all they did was dance and look into each others eyes. Lizzie yawns.

"Come on, lets go home Liz!"

"No! It's fun here!"

"Come on let's go! You're tired!"

"Okay. Bye Ian! Thanks a lot!"

"But guys! Your welcome Liz!" Lizzie and Josh leave. Lizzie falls asleep in the car. Josh picks Lizzie up bridal style and carries her to their bedroom, and lays her down on the bed gently, not wanting to wake her up.

"Good night Lizzie! I love you!" He whispers and kisses her forehead.

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