Beside You

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Chapter 37

The boys step out in the hallway.

"He can't do this to Lizzie! Especially the he left her! And he's while he's still dating Maddy! What's with this guy?" Ian says.

"I know! It's not right, I'm getting super pissed off!"

"But what are we going to do about it?" Mike asks.

"I don't know! I really want to punch his face in! But maybe we should just talk to him? I don't know what do you guys think?" Josh asks the guys.

"First talk to him, then punch his face in?" Matt suggests.

"Sounds good to me!" Josh says. They knock on the door.

*Knock, knock, knock*

Someone answers. It's a girl.

"Maddy? Right?" Josh asks. Maddy was just wearing a big shirt, probably Zacks.

"Yes. Can I help you with anything?" She asks.

"Yes. Can we talk to Zack?" Matt asks.

"ZACK!" Maddy calls back.

"WHAT?" He calls out.

"There's four boys here to see you." Maddy says. Zack comes to the door. Maddy leaves.

"What can I do for you douche bags?" Zack asks.

"That's Mr. Douche bag to you!" Josh sassed.

"And yes, we came to talk to you." Matt says.

"What is it?" Zack asks.

"I just wanted to say, you don't go kissing some guys fiancé!"

"Especially when she says stop!" Mike adds.

"Well what are you going to do about it?" Zack asks.

"I'm just saying to be a ass to girls! They deserve better! They're not punching bags! So just sto-" Josh gets cut off, because Zack punched him. Lizzie hears yelling coming from the hallway. She gets up and walks out in the hallway. She sees Josh laying on the ground, Matt about to punch Zack, Zack trying to defend himself, and Ian and Mike helping Josh up.

"Woah!" Lizzie yells. Everyone stops what they're doing and looks at Lizzie.

"Lizzie go back inside!" Josh says.

"No! Zack! Leave me and my friends alone, I never want to see your face again!" Lizzie says.

"Or what? You're gonna get your little boyfriend and his group to come try and beat me up again?" Matt goes to punch Zack, but Zack stops him and goes to punch Matt. The only thing Lizzie could think was protect your friends. So Lizzie went in front of Matt, just about to get punched. Josh pushes Lizzie and takes another punch. Nicole runs to Lizzie. Everyone starts beating on Zack except Lizzie and Nicole. Zack finally gives up and says,

"FINE! I won't do it anymore! You win!" Zack walks back in his room. Josh sees Lizzie in pain and runs towards her.

"Lizzie what's wrong?"

"I don't know, my ankle really hurts!" Josh takes Lizzie's shoe off and looks at her ankle.

"It looks really swollen, do you wanna go get it checked out?"

"Sure." Josh helps Lizzie up.

"Oww! I can barely put any weight on it!" Lizzie says. Josh takes Lizzie's arm and puts it around his shoulders. Matt does the same to the other arm.

"Here! We'll help you walk!" Matt says.

"Thanks guys!" Lizzie smiles. They walk to a taxi, Matt, Josh and Lizzie, leave to a hospital. They get to the hospital.

"Can I help you?" A nurse says sitting behind a desk.

"Yea, my girlfriend did something to her ankle, it's really swollen." Josh says lying about what happened.

"Okay, just fill in these forms" The nurse hands Josh some papers and a pen. Josh and Matt help Lizzie go sit down. Josh fills in the papers.

"Health card?"

"In my wallet, back pocket."

"Matt can you get that?" Josh asks. Stands up on one foot. Matt goes to get her wallet but retracted his arm.

"Umm Josh can you do that?"


"It's in her back pocket."

"Fine!" Josh grabs Lizzie's wallet. Lizzie sits back down. Josh gives the nurse the papers.

"Okay, it'll be just a moment."

"Fine, but my girlfri- fiancé is in pain and you're making her wait!" Joshs sassed. Finally the nurse says.

"Okay, the doctor can see you now." Josh helps Lizzie up and walk to the room. Matt stays behind.

"So Elizabeth how'd this happen?" The doctor asked.

"Call me Lizxie! And I fell." Lizzie lies.

"That must have been quite a fall. Tell me when it hurts." The doctor presses on get ankle and foot in a few different spots.


"Well, you sprained your ankle very badly! No wonder it hurt more!"

"Oh okay, thank you doctor!"

"Would you like to use crutches?" The doctor asks.

"Yes please!" Lizzie says.

"Okay I'll be right back with them." The doctor leaves.

"Lizzie I'm sorry I pushed you, and sprained your ankle! I was just trying to protect you!" Josh says sitting beside Lizzie.

"It's okay! I forgive you!" The doctor comes back with some crutches.

"Thanks!" Lizzie says.

"Your welcome!" Lizzie and Josh go back to Matt.

"So Lizzie what happened?" Matt asks.

"I sprained it."

"Aww, I'm sorry!" They walk out of the hospital and into a taxi.

"It's okay! It's not your fault!"

"Your right! It was Joshs!" Josh looks down.

"Matt! It wasn't his fault!" Lizzie says. They get back to the hotel.

"So what happened Liz?" Nicole, Ian, and Mike asks.

"I sprained it!"

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