42. The hunting Alexander

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Wounded tigers can still fight with all their might.

"Four at the front door. Armed." Maan who was watching from a butterfly sized drone created by Swarnbhoomi Technologies instructed Abhedya.

"Got it," Abhedya replied and in exactly four shots he shot the guards without catching attention.

"Good job. Now enter quietly and on your left two guards, busy chatting, are your next target. Armed." Maan informed Abhedya and the conversation of those two guards ended with Abhedya's bullets.

"Move ahead... two more on your... okay excellent shot brother. Hide! Hide behind the bush." Maan prompted Abhedya and he hid behind. "Okay! All clear... move ahead now."

Abhedya was walking with Maan's eyes.
"Now Abhey, be very alert. You have entered the kennel." Maan alerted Abhedya.

"Haha! Maan at this point too, you are choosing your words wisely. Using kennel for the dog I am about the hunt." Abhedya gritted his teeth at the thought of Dushyant.

"Dogs are very loyal. Sorry, to their community. Dushyant is a monster. I hope Nim is safe." Maan crossed his fingers.

"She is. I can sense..." with half-finished dialogue Abhedya tackled three more guards. Changing his dress as one of the guards and using their Wally talky Abhedya marched inside a huge haveli.

"Hey, where are you going? Hukum ordered not to be disturbed at this hour." A guard stopped Abhedya.

"Yes. Sorry, I forgot." Abhedya covered up.

"Forgot? You moron! He will kill you at this instance. Now go and guard the third pole." The guard ordered him and Abhedya looked clueless as to where the third pole was. Hoping Maan would prompt him but on not receiving any help he walked in a direction.

Abhedya quietly left towards the darker side unaware of the fact the guard guided him in the direction of love. Standing there for five minutes without action made him restless. The clock was ticking and if no action was taken it could blow up the plan.

"Abhey, move twenty steps left and two guards with AK56, I think. I can't see much. Too dark." Maan prompted and Abhedya moved exactly twenty steps and with the finest skills taught to him by his Protector, now wife, the guards lay flat on the ground. He took their guns and headed straight to a room. Quietly creeping inside he saw the devil sleeping naked, peacefully with two girls massaging his non-existent male point.

"What a pervert!" Abhedya cursed. He squinted his eyes to check the room for the presence of any more guards. When it was clear he warned the two girls to not make noise and keep quiet else he would shoot them.

To his surprise, the girls covered themselves, bow before him and whispered, "Finally, you arrive raja sa. Please save us and your queen."

"Why did you stop? I am not done yet. Pleasure me." Dushyant groaned in sleep.

Abhedya gestured the girls to wear their clothes. On receiving no response (read: pleasure) Dushyant opened his one sleepy eye only to be shocked. He rubbed his eyes and opened them completely. The bloodshot eyes of the monster met with another devil who was even more fierce and was let loose to hunt.

"Guar...," before Dushyant could shout for help, Abhedya covered his mouth and pinned him to his bed. He struggled for release but could not. A girl gave Abhedya a piece of cloth and Dushyant was tied to the bed rest. His mouth was also tied to refrain him from calling for 'Help!'.

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