54. New versions

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Father's bear the unborn too.
Not inside their womb but in their hearts.

"Oh! Aby." Swarnima tangled her arm with Abhedya's.
"It was about Survang and Josh. How could you even think I want to marry anyone else? I was married to you since the age of seven and..."

"I know Sona. I know. I just wish I was sane enough that day to analyse the entire situation. I was drunk. I swear, I have not touched alcohol since that dreaded day. Sona, I regret each word, each moment that caused you pain. I hated the fact that you left even after promising that you will never leave. I mourned on my existence." Abhedya was quiet and so was Swarnima.

"Aby, I know time was tough but why did you lose hope?" Swarnima asked him in desperate need of an explanation.

"You are my hope, Sona. You always said you survived because of me," Abhedya turned to face Swarnima and with shaky hands touched Swarnima's face. "I am living because of you. I want to breathe in the air you exhale. If eyes are a window to the soul, you are the eyes of me as a whole."

Abhedya received a beautiful kiss for his beautiful confession. "Kiss me, Aby," Swarnima whispered between the kiss and Abhedya moved his lips. He was a champion in kissing but he couldn't lead the kiss right now. It was too overwhelming for him. Swarnima moved her hand in Abhedya's hair. The stress Abhedya felt was reducing and he felt an unusual calm within.

"You have forgotten to kiss, Aby. I order you to practice it daily at least 15-20 times till you attain perfection." Swarnima joked to lighten the atmosphere.

"I can't Sona. I can't. I am not the same person you knew. I am..." Swarnima put her hand on Abhedya's lips.

"Aby, we both have changed and maybe for the good. I can see how responsible and serious you have become. You might have observed how vocal I am about my choices now. Aby, I love you and every version of you. I miss the silly and flirt you. Honestly, your perfect gentlemanly behaviour sucks at times. Pregnancy hormones made me so horny and I... I so wanted to feel you, touch you. I wanted you to make love to me.
I am sorry for not sorting out things before. All we had to do was have a simple heart to heart conversation. Maybe settling the issue would have taken time but at least we could have thought over the reasons. Why didn't you fight with me to hear you out?
I am sorry Aby for breaking our promise to never hide anything from each other. Maybe if I told you earlier about Josh and Survang, misunderstandings would not have arisen?" Swarnima expressed her point of view.

"Sona, it just proved what an insecure jerk I was. I doubted the love of the purest soul alive? Life punched me so hard that I don't trust myself anymore." Abhedya was broken beyond repair. "I am sorry Sona. You might forgive me but I won't forgive myself."

Swarnima took Abhedya's hand put it on her belly. "Abhedya Rajvanshi, the foetuses inside are thirsting to meet their father. They have seen the care of a man who lives with their mother. Show them and their mother that you are the most loving father there can ever be. Aby, we need you, please." Swarnima's tears and the mention of the babies shook Abhedya and he hugged her.

"Sona, I love you. I love you so much. I am so sorry for doing this to us. These kids are mine. Just mine. I will give them so much love and care that..." Abhedya was silenced with a pair of lips.

A kiss mended and rebuild the fortress.

"You were certain when you said I needed to practise 15-20 times a day?" Abhedya's flirty remark earned him a smile that he lost his heart to.
He moved his hand away from her belly and got up. Swarnima understood what happened and slept on the bed. She patted the space next to her and Abhedya lie down next to her.

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