29. Her reflection. His anger.

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Turn the world upside down and fight till your last breath.

Thundering applause was Josh and his team's reward. Swarnima knew the battle she was fighting against her mentor was tough but she had to win it, not for herself but her 'hero' Josh.

Josh forwarded his hand in front of Swarnima for a dance and she gladly accepted it. The teacher-student danced to the beats of Latin dance form 'salsa'. What amused everyone was the dance which is supposed to be passionate was performed without physical contact. Josh and Swarnima did not hold hands or had any physical touch but their steps were perfect and they didn't miss a beat. It was like they had rehearsed it several times before and performed it flawlessly.
The council, royals and the guests ditched their behaviour codes and hooted and whistled. Abhedya was gritting his teeth so hard that they threatened to fall.

"The state of Swarnbhoomi is honoured to welcome you, Mr Josh. We have no doubts that our talented dancers will benefit from your guidance and schooling. Your performance with the non-dancers was spectacular. Needless to say, with Rani sa, it was...it was...magical. Please join us for dinner. Raja sa, if you may..." Mohan Singh appreciated Josh and requested Abhedya to invite him for diner.

"Abhey..." Arya prompted Abhedya when he didn't respond.

"Yes. He is welcome. I invited him earlier this evening which he rejected but now since he is here and entertained us so well, he must join us for the 'royal dinner'. Digant if you could please arrange a seat for Mr Josh." Abhedya was at his politest best.

A chair was immediately added at the far end of the table. Digant understood his boss and his tone pretty well. Swarnima gave an apologetic smile to Josh and came back to her seat, next to king Abhedya. Tara and Aadya hugged her for her mind-blowing performance.
"Nim, I would do anything to dance with that tempting pie out there. You didn't even hold his hand. Damn! How could you resist?" Aadya questioned her with adoration and amazement.

"I know right! How could you? These pregnancy hormones are all charged with that subtle romantic dance." Tara admitted openly to the girls who giggled and sat on their respective chairs.

Abhedya did not say a word of appreciation or criticism to his wife. Swarnima sensed his cold vibes but they had to behave.

"Excuse me everybody let's raise a toast to the best student-teacher combo Nim and Josh." Kristina raised her glass and everyone repeated Rani sa and Josh. "Well, when she danced she was not the queen but just the favourite student of her favourite teacher." Kristina sat down with that statement. She knew enough damage was done.

"She may be his student and he may be her teacher but right now, they danced like a Queen and a commoner. We are proud of our queen. It was acceptable even if they did a proper 'salsa' but they chose to maintain the dignity and respect for the council and royal conduct. So, raising a toast to the Queen and Josh is perfect." Maan defended his sister.

"Of course!" Kristina quietly sipped her drink thinking Swarnima had everyone around her pinky for sure.

The dinner came to a pleasant end and the council soon retired from the palace.

"Eklavya, that was not required. You may not like him but you cannot question his abilities." Swarnima tried to explain Eklavya.

"With due respect Rani sa, the act you pulled was not required either. Bringing a dancer to the council meeting with his team of stupid dancers just to prove your point and dancing with him in front of the council on your 'wedding formal diner'? I suggest before things turn unfavourable, leave this game." Eklavya suggested his student who was also the queen. He left after bowing.

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