47. Examination

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Abhedya's face contoured with sudden realisation. "Are we... are we, having twins?"

"TWINS?! What? NO!! You are having TRIPLETS!" Pri corrected Abhedya and bit the inside of her cheeks to hide her smile.

"But, Medha didi told me I was expecting twins." Swarnima looked horrified with the information.


The collective laughter in the room was a sign that the King and the Queen were just fooled. The royals left the room laughing but their hearts were crying. The story narrated by Swarnima had shaken their existence. The promise they made to themselves of keeping Swarnima safe and happy was broken. 

"Folks, I know we all are on the same emotional boat. Nim is annoyed and angry with us. She has every right to be. Let's do whatever we can to bring her smile back and win her faith, trust and love." Randeep sounded broken yet determined to win his daughter's love back and so were the others.

Abhedya closed the door of his room and came to his bedroom.

"You can sleep on the other side of the bed," Swarnima told Abhedya in a curt tone.

"I won't cross the border, I promise," Abhedya confirmed honestly.

"Don't promise Raja sa. Just don't promise." Swarnima switched off the night lamp on the side and pulled the comforter.

Abhedya didn't come to the bed but went inside the bathroom. Standing in the shower and crying was his last resort. He slapped himself hard, punched the tiles till his hands bled and the water flowing turned red. He cried loudly when the pain in his heart was unbearable. After almost two hours when his strength gave up he sat on the floor and rubbed his eyes furiously. The knock at the door brought his consciousness back. He quickly wrapped his towel and unlatched the door.

His 'Morning glory' was standing in front of him and he couldn't take his eyes off her.

"Move! I need to use the bathroom." Swarnima pushed Abhedya out.

"Sorry!" Abhedya muttered when Swarnima came out.

"For what?" The answer to Swarnima's question was obvious. There were several things.

"Right now, for blocking the bathroom for a longer duration." Abhedya sounded tired and Swarnima did not like it. So, finally, she looked at him and if Abhedya looked like a 'morning delight' to her, Abhedya in just a towel looked like a 'delicacy' worth gobbling up. Swarnima could not take her eyes off him.

"On purpose, he is roaming around in just a towel" Swarnima's brain alerted her.

"However drool-worthy you look in this towel, it won't help you." Swarnima cleared it out to the Macho King in her room.

*Blush Check*

"At least you spared a glance." Abhedya's reply was short and sincere.

Swarnima had no reply so she kept quiet. Abhedya wore his clothes and his phone buzzed.

"Raja sa, these are fresh clothes for rani sa. Aadya hukum sent it. Do you want my help?" Staff gave a packet to Abhedya.

"No Fatimah, thank you." Abhedya closed the door and kept the packet inside the bathroom.

It was still early morning so he lie on the bed and looked at the occupant on the other side. Swarnima was visibly chubby, a little round and a lot cuter. Her mouth was slightly open and drooling. Her earlier comment on him being drool-worthy brought a smile to his face.

"You asked me not to promise, I won't. But, I will not leave any stone unturned to win your heart. Your happiness has always been my motto in life. The mistakes I made are unforgivable. I will not even ask for forgiveness. My guilt and repentance will be my punishment. I am just so sorry, Sona." Abhedya turned his face to the other side and wiped the fresh set of tears. He hid his face in the pillow to avoid the sounds of sniffles. Soon sleep took over.

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