36. Revelation:3

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Sometimes to create perfect moments we miss the moments.

A month passed when the postman left a few letters for the royal family. Everyone grabbed the envelopes in their name. Abhedya was given his. He didn't open his letter as others did. When everyone was reading their letters he could see how eager his family was, how much they missed the girl who left without saying anything.

"She sounds fine and happy," Rudra revealed after reading his 100-word letter.

"She says she is safe and we should not worry," Maan said after reading his letter.

"This escape might change things, for good. Nim, has actually not lived her life on her terms." Pri exhaled air and sat on the chair next to Abhedya. "What does your love letter say, Abhey?" Pri teased her nephew who had stopped being his jovial self.

Abhedya gave the letter to Pri as if he was not interested in reading.
"Oh! No! I don't like reading sexting." Pri tried hard to bring a smile but her efforts went in vain.

"Let me do the honours mummy. Don't blame me later, Abhey." Arya took the letter but Abhedya still displayed no interest. Arya opened the letter and read it out loud.

"Dear Aby,
I am not feeling well." Abhedya's shot his eyes up to the words and he took the letter from Arya. He read it further to himself.
"I am not feeling well. Probably you are not smiling enough. Please do, just a bit. I know you are angry and annoyed and hating me each minute. But, absence makes the hearts fonder. Each day we are spending apart makes me more excited to be reunited with you.
Aby, they say the world is small, mine is smaller. It's just 'you' and only 'you' my world has.
Wait for me Aby. I love you. I always have and always will.

PS: take care of my motherland while I am away.

Created just for Aby,

Abhedya left the room without saying anything. Nandini didn't know what was wrong with her kids' life? She somewhere felt Swarnima cannot leave. She shared her doubts with everyone but they shut her saying she was overthinking. Nandini went to Abhedya only to see him weeping quietly in his room. She patted his back to console him.

"She told me, mom, to follow my heart. How do I do that? She has taken it with her. I feel lost. I can't see where I am going." Abhedya was broken and shattered by his wife's sudden disappearance. He had no clue where she was? How she was? He didn't get a chance to apologise to her.
If only, he could reverse a few hours.
If only, he didn't say what he said.
If only, he could tell her how much he regretted accusing her.
If only, he could show her how much he missed her.
If only, he could tell her how much he hated her.
If only, he could tell her how much he loved her.
All modes of communication were unavailable. Telepathy between them was strong but it seemed to be diminishing.

"Abhey, I don't know. I can't believe she has left. As far as I know her, she can never leave us. I hope she is fine. Her letters confirm she is happy but her happiness is you. Even if God tells me she left us for herself I can't believe it. Abhey, everyone thinks I am missing her and therefore overthinking, you have to find out Abhey." Nandini shared her thoughts with Abhedya.

"She has made a choice mom. I can't do anything. Accept the fact that your beloved daughter has 'left'." Abhedya sounded bitter and his voice choked.

Nandini nodded her head in 'disappointment' and left. Abhedya read the letter again. After a month he smiled.
The least he could do for his love was to smile. She wanted him to smile. The biggest relief for him was her declaration that she still loved him. As much as he tried, he could not dislike her, leave hating her. He missed her but the thought of meeting her after days and touching those soft hands gave him goosebumps. He needed the drug of her kisses but he satisfied himself with her pillow.
Swarnima's letter filled their room with love again. Abhedya suddenly felt fresh and rejuvenated. He had a state to run and not disappoint Swarnima. He will do whatever she wanted him to do. He had wasted one long month, now, no more.

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