22. Sick fight

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When a hand is hurt
The eyes cry
When eyes cry,
The hand wipes.

Abhedya was trying to maintain his reputation and fake priority. He ran behind Kristina to apologise for his family's behaviour.
"Hey Krissy, I am sorry on their behalf. They normally don't behave like this and are welcoming. I don't know what went wrong in your case. I am here for you, right?! Cheer up. Just enjoy the luxuries of the palace. Digant will help you explore the palace and I'll wind up the work quickly then we shall talk in the evening." Abhedya was holding her with her shoulders and Kristina put her head on his chest and sobbed.

"Abhey they were rude. Please arrange a hotel for me I can't stay at a place I am not welcomed." Kristina was firm with her decision.

"May I come in," Swarnima asked for permission and Abhedya immediately stepped back and distanced himself from Kristina.
"Kristina, I apologise on behalf of our family. They had their reasons which I suppose you know. I think you should give us a chance to be good hosts. Please."

"Now, if the sweet queen is requesting me to stay, how can I deny? I will stay and behave normally and not show my over-enthusiasm on meeting Abhey." Kristina again clung to Abhedya's hand.

"Very well! See you then. Digant please take care of Miss Kristina and show her around." Swarnima left after instructing Abhedya's assistant. Abhedya followed his wife. He could not make out if she was angry since Kristina was close to him or she was fine since it was only a friendly gesture. The confusion made him do a mistake.

"Sona, I was just comforting her. It was not a hug or something." Abhedya tried to justify his actions.

Swarnima looked at him for a few seconds before saying, "Mr Rajvanshi, you don't need to explain your actions to me. I could see that."

"Mr Rajvanshi? Seriously Sona? You can't fight over the fact I chose to clarify my actions." Abhedya was a little annoyed.

"Sorry! But there was no need. If I can tolerate drunk girls sitting on your lap, this was still an act of comforting a 'friend'." Swarnima's reply angered Abhedya even more.

"Oh! This is perfect. Collect all the data and use it all at once. That was just a 'game'. It was not like I was allowing them to sit on my lap for no reason." Abhedya argued.

"For any reason why would you let any girl sit on your lap, Aby? Anyways, let's not start the day with a fight. We are in the corridor we can be heard." Swarnima suggested peace and walked ahead.

Abhedya pulled Swarnima with force and said, "What do mean let girls sit on my lap? If you had objections why didn't you say that day? You were there too. You could have said "don't play" I would not have."

The rage in Abhedya's eyes scared Swarnima. "Sorry. I will in future." Swarnima released her left arm which Abhedya was holding tightly and walked ahead. The palace staff had gathered there. Abhedya bobbed his Adam's apple up and down and crossed the corridor in anger.

The office ride was silent until Survang asked, "Rani sa, has the invitation been sent?"

"Yes, Survang I sent it days before. Papa has done the remaining formalities. He will be here soon." Swarnima replied to his query. Abhedya was dying of curiosity. He wanted to ask who, what, when. But his ego refrained him.

"I will leave early Survang, I have a guest waiting for me. If Rani sa completes her work till then she can come with us, if not, you stay with her and arrange a car for me." Abhedya ordered in a brusque tone.

"There is no need to wait for me Survang. Please leave with Raja sa. I will be very late." Swarnima was soft in her tone while instructing their guard. Survang preferred to keep quiet and nodded his head.

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