Filling the gaps before we bid adieu

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It was forty days post the birth of the heirs of Swarnbhoomi. The little prince and princess were sleeping peacefully on their parent's lap. First pictures of the royal babies were released with their names.

"After fifty years, a girl is born to the Rajvanshis. I Priyamani Rajvanshi-Raichand name her, RIDHYA. She is the heart of the family just like her mother whose magnetic eyes she inherits." Pri named the beautiful princess with pride.

"Nim, Abhey, we have thought of a name for our little prince. Can we name him?" The younger clan surprised everyone by their request.

After a nod of approval, Maan-Tara, Arya-Aadya and Nivedya said in unison, "DHEYA".
Swarnima's eyes welled up immediately and she hid her face in Abhedya's chest. Everyone was emotional with the name.

Nivedya came to Swarnima and wiped her tears. "Nim D, I take pride in calling you D from the name your brother addressed you with. Let's name this little champ after him and see this version of Dheya."
Swarnima hugged Nivedya for his beautiful thought and affirmed, "I can't thank you all enough for this gesture. I had overcome the trauma of my parent's death but Dheya's demise I was still mourning. Remembering him through my son will indeed give me strength, thank you."

"Nim, Abhey I am warning you, Rajvanshi twins can be very tough to handle," Randeep warned the royal couple taunting his wife and her brother who gave him hard glares.
Laughing, bickering and fun banter were a routine for the royals of Swarnbhoomi forever.


If handling one child is tough handling two at the same time is like walking on the sea.

"I feel like a dairy farm," Swarnima complained knotting her feeding bra and putting her son in the crib.

"You don't listen to me. We can give them formula feed more than twice." Abhedya countered cooing his little princess in his arms.

"But I love it when I am the reason for their filled tummies and boosted immunity," Swarnima asserted giving a love-filled glance to her sleepy infants.

Abhedya turned Swarnima to face him and moved the pad of his thumb on her chubby face. "Gosh! Sona. This post-pregnancy weight makes you look even more gorgeous."

"What a fantastic way to say "you are fat!"." Swarnima frowned at Abhedya's comment.

Abhedya pulled her in his embrace and said, "Even if you have gained, you look pretty and honestly, I don't mind those extra kilos." Abhedya's hands moved down and while his eyes were looking directly in Swarnima's. "These hands are like a soft pillow I wish to sleep on. The hourglass figure is replaced by beautiful curves and my hand just wants to stay there."
Abhedya made Swarnima lie down on the bed and hovered over. He trailed his wet kisses from her ear to her neck. When he bit her skin near the shoulder Swarnima let out a pleasurable moan exciting Abhedya.
It was easier to undress Swarnima since she was a feeding mother and preferred wearing a single knot top. Abhedya kissed her passionately and Swarnima pulled him to glue their bodies. Positions were reversed but the kiss wasn't broken. Naked wires sparked and the room of the royal couple smelled of sexual love rather than milk and poop.
They glanced at the sleeping infants before proceeding further. It was the first time after the kids were born they could reach so far. Swarnima was kissing Abhedya's chest while her hands were undoing his pants. She touched his erected member and remarked, "Daddy dearest you are so wet."

"Sona! You are such a moment spoiler. Who calls their sexy, hot husband "daddy dearest" in the middle of lovemaking?" Abhedya flipped their positions and punished her by kneading her swollen breasts.
"Aby!" Swarnima moaned and Abhedya continued his assault on her body.

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