15. Ephialtes

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Dreams are a reflection of reality.

Panting heavily and sweating even with the air conditioner on, Swarnima got up with a jerk and breathed heavily. Her asthma was settled and never really occurred in a long time but a terrible dream made her short of breath.
She saw on her right Abhedya and Taran were fast asleep. With trembling feet and shaky steps she walked to the closet and took puffs from her oxygen pump. Once her breathing was normal she drank water and sat down. The dream she had, scared her terribly. So, she decided to not ignore it and quietly stepped out of her room.
She called Rudra but he didn't receive her call. She called Nandini who answered after several rings. "Nim, what happened? Why did you call so late? Are you alright?"

"Mumma, where's papa?" Swarnima asked standing out of their room in nervousness.

"He is.. umm... he said he had to finish some work and is in the library. He should have come by now. What happened to my child? You sound troubled?" Nandini was awake now.

"Nothing mumma, it's something related to work. I'll tell you later. Goodnight. Jai Bhawani." Rushing her steps to the library Swarnima opened the gates and barged in. The sight in front of her horrified her.

"PAPAaaaaaa," Swarnima shouted and reached at her fastest pace to Rudra who seemed to have fallen on the ground and lost his consciousness. She sprinkled water and shook him with force but he didn't get up. She shouted for guards and they came at a single call of hers. "Call bhui and Arya first and then others. Please help me put him on the couch. Quickly.. come on hurry up."

The minutes were ticking like hours and Swarnima instructed the palace ambulance to be on standby. In about five minutes, Pri reached the library and found her brother in a sorry state. She was a brilliant doctor but seeing her brother like that shook her.

"What happened Nim?" She asked checking Rudra's pulse.

"I don't know bhui when I entered I found him on the ground. He didn't get up even after I called him several times." Swarnima narrated the whole incident. She was rock solid but her strength was Rudra.

In another five minutes, Arya reached and examined Rudra. "I think he has had a panic attack. But we need to go to the hospital and run the tests."

The rest of the members came and were shocked to see the lively man Rudra so lifeless. Nandini couldn't stop crying and praying to the almighty. Abhedya was too numb to even react. The ambulance was ready at the gates and like a small baby, Maan picked up his dear 'mamu' and settled in the ambulance with him.

After hours of tension, nervousness and crying, Rudra was conscious but under observation. He called for Nandini first.

"Oh! Don't cry. Your tears will make me dead instantly. Alternatively, your smile could make me dance instantly." Rudra managed to flirt with his wife even in a tense situation.

"I hate you Rudra. You killed me. Never do that to me." Nandini smiled between tears. She was thankful her husband was fine. "What happened Rudra? What made you so panicked?"

"Call Abhey and Nim I want to discuss it with them. Tell everyone I am fine." Rudra told his wife.

"Rudra, it was Nim who found you. She said she had a bad dream about you. She saw you with Swadesh waving her bye. She knew it wasn't a good sign and rushed to be sure if you were okay and it was just a dream. Swadesh once again saved your life via his daughter. How will we ever be able to pay his debt." Nandini wept as she narrated the whole scene to Rudra.

"We don't have to pay anything. We won't be able to. Let them enjoy the fruits of their generosity. We owe that much to them. Now, please send my kids." Rudra pressed Nandini's hand tightly to assure her.

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