19. Expectations v/s reality

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Ornaments are made by melting gold.
Diamonds are made under pressure.
To beautify any metal or human
You have to practise coercion and incitation.

Swarnima and Abhedya were so engrossed in work that they didn't have time for anything else. The clock was ticking and Abhedya was done with physical dismantling but the reprogramming was taking up all his time. Swarnima could still not find the source of infiltration. All the employees and workers came out clean. She was practically at a dead end. The task was tough.

Besides, all this they had to run the state. Several projects were to be evaluated and approved. The work in progress was to be checked. Social commitments and public statements could not be ignored. In short, life was too busy for the newlyweds and they could not get time for themselves. Most of the nights they were so exhausted that they preferred to sleep rather than make memories.

Swarnima could see the frustration build in Abhedya. He was a workaholic but he needed his share of fun. He missed partying with friends and their romance time. So, on the eve of their second month anniversary, she planned a surprise date for him. A cosy setting on their balcony. Like Abhedya planned for their first date night. A small comfy bed, fairy lights, food and lots of chats and lovemaking. She missed their passionate nights too. If Abhedya was drugged by her kisses she was drugged by his existence, his touch and his smile.
Swarnima informed Rudra beforehand about the plan. He was more than happy because the guilt of burdening the newlyweds with work was killing him. He was supportive of her plan and promised to send Abhedya home soon.

Swarnima reached first and immediately worked on setting the balcony into a romantic frame. She also filled the tub for her king with water at the perfect temperature, sprinkled some bath salt to ease his tensed nerves. Rose petals were spread over the foam. She played soft music and lit aromatic candles to give him the feel of a spa. She changed to a knee-length lavender colour dress and waited for her husband.

It was eight in the night and Abhedya was supposed to be there an hour before. So, she called Abhedya, "Hey Aby, where are you? I am waiting for you."

"I left for home but my friends called me for a drink. It's been days I haven't met them. Why don't you come over? It will be fun." Abhedya asked her to join.

Swarnima's face fell. She wanted to enjoy time with him but he chose his friends to spend time with. She absolutely disliked his parties and didn't gel well with anyone.

"Aby, I am tired you go ahead. But, please try to come soon and don't drink too much." Swarnima requested him.

"I knew you won't come. It's been three years Sona. You have hardly come to any party with me. I know you don't like them but for my happiness, you could come sometimes." Abhedya was a little disappointed with Swarnima's refusal.

"I have other things to make you happy. Come soon and find out yourself." Swarnima suggested to him a different definition of fun and happiness.

"Sona, my happiness is having fun with friends too. I love you but I can't just be with you 24/7. I don't promise to come soon. If you want, you can come. The offer is open." Abhedya hung up the phone and closed his eyes.

Swarnima lived in a shell for ten years and additional three years till the throne was claimed. She was free from all restrictions since he became King. Any person would break free. She still chose to live in a cocoon with just their family. He wanted her to open up and see the world. Most of the time she either avoided or if she came she remained quiet.

"Raja sa, we have reached," Survang informed Abhedya and he stepped down from the car. He thought twice before entering. Should he give up and go back home or party and have fun with his friends. When he almost turned to leave, his friends came and dragged him inside. Now there was no turning back.

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