32. Revelation:2

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I flow like the river in your world.
Moulding myself according to
you and your habits
According to your likes and dislikes
To keep our love alive and happy
For you are my world, my Ya Amar.

Swarnima was awake and adoring the man who had caged her in his strong arms. He was the one she didn't shy away from being a kid with, being herself with, being naked with. She felt more beautiful whenever Abhedya made love to her. He loved every inch of her and his kisses not only touched her body but her soul. She felt fortunate she survived.

"Stop ogling at your naked husband, wifey," Abhedya teased in his sleepy raspy voice. Blood rushed from south to north and Swarnima turned tomato red. She was caught red-handed. Hiding in his chest Swarnima smiled and kissed his heart. The place she owned since she was born.

The little kiss on the heart, heated the moment and reignited the sensation. The kiss travelled from his heart to his broad shoulders, to his neck, the ear and the ear lobe which were chewed mercilessly until Abhedya pinned his torturer to the bed. Ignoring his tired self and precious sleep he smooched her hard. The punishing kiss turned soft with moans and urgent with groans. The foreplay didn't last long because their bodies were already bare and there was no need to prepare.
Thrusting his hardened manhood in and out in speed and in ways that satisfied his lady love immensely, Abhedya himself felt complacent. He felt as if he had achieved a trophy. Swarnima's happiness was his goal and his motto. He had done much to hurt her now he just wanted to make her happy in each and every possible way.

The shine, the glow, the sparkle and hope had returned in the life of the royal couple.

Kristina had changed her stay from the palace to a five-star hotel where Josh was staying. She was writing her next book on an unknown topic and left the palace on the pretext of peace. Suspicions were there but nothing concrete. Josh was busy with his job at the talent hunt and digging for details about his new neighbour Kristina.

"Aby, in the conference room in five." Swarnima buzzed at the intercom of the office and Abhedya hurried his way. What was so urgent he didn't know. When he pushed open the wooden doors of the hall it was dark.

"Sona, don't tell me you want to use the large table here. I loved the cosy small tables in the..." Abhedya stopped talking further when Swarnima put her hand on his mouth and showed him her angry eyes. He gulped his saliva and looked scared. She guided him to a chair and turned on the projector. The proofs and information on the slide revealed the face of the guilty. The most trustworthy and one of the pioneer engineers of Swarnbhoomi Technologies who everyone respected and looked up to.

"Adarsh uncle? You?" Abhedya questioned the guilty when the projector was turned off and the lights were turned on.

The old man lowered his head and didn't speak anything in his defence.

"Adarsh uncle, please say something. We can overlook the proofs if you tell us the truth. Why did you do this? Were you blackmailed or threatened? Uncle, you are a gem for our company. We cannot ignore your achievements. I cannot believe or trust my findings." Swarnima sat next to the old man and persuaded him to tell his side of the story.

He got up from his chair and went near the window. He took a deep breath and said, "I am sorry. I got carried away. I thought I could do it all alone and struck a deal. Please forgive me. Don't tell my kids and grandkids what a cheat their old man was." Confessing his guilt Adarsh jumped off the window and fell from the fifth floor.

Abhedya, Swarnima and two other senior members ran to save him but could not. The public gathered near the body and called for an ambulance. The royal couple rushed downstairs and tried to check for any indication of life in Adarsh. He was breathing and the doctor at the company immediately attended to him. He had to be taken to the hospital instantly.

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