24. Reconstruction

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The best relationship is where yesterday's fight does not stop today's communication.

Swarnima was just following what the queen taught her. Her husband's remarks were confusing her. He told her she was the only girl he loved and no girl he dated in her absence meant anything to him. Today, he was referring to a girl as his 'ex'. Either he lied to her earlier or he was lying now. She wanted to believe in both situations, it was false.

"That is true Josh. The only truth after the Sun, moon and stars is that Sona and Aby are forever and always. Come in, let's talk inside." Maan intervened. He could sense things were heating up.

Josh was escorted to the visitors' room and everyone settled on the plush sofas. Swarnima was however lost. While everyone was talking Abhedya sat formally for five minutes then requested Swarnima to come with him to the room. Josh also decided to leave on the pretext of being tired.

"Why didn't you tell me he was coming?" Abhedya questioned as soon as they entered their room.

"I didn't know. It was a surprise." Swarnima answered honestly.

"That hug out there Sona, what do have to say about that? You literally jumped in his arms." Abhedya sat opposite to her looking straight in her eyes which didn't revert his gaze since yesterday.

"I was happy to see him. Last I saw him, it was six years back. Out of excitement, I hugged him. It was a friendly hug." Swarnima justified her actions hating herself for needing to justify.

"Friendly hug? How many friends you have Sona to judge that?" Abhedya was raging realising somewhere he was questioning her for no reason.

Swarnima took a deep breath and confirmed, "Only one, Arya. If you are asking for male friends."

"What about me? Was I not your friend?" Abhedya was hurt with her answer.

"You? You were... my sweetheart too. That is why, when I hugged you, I let my body touch yours. In case you noticed, remembered or felt." Swarnima got up with that last statement in her defence.

"Sona, I ..." Abhedya regretted his accusations, humbled by her confession when Swarnima remarked...

"It's okay Aby. You had doubts, you asked. I appreciate you clearing them out rather than keeping them inside. I hope my answers were satisfactory? You are getting late for office." Swarnima went for a shower leaving Abhedya with his thoughts and regrets.

The worst of foul words Abhedya knew, he cursed himself with them. He deserved it all. Swarnima was undoubtedly the most loyal lover anyone would know. Kristina was successful in her theories to prove him wrong about trust in love but he will not let her win. He will trust Swarnima's word that she had no clue Josh was coming and that hug was friendly indeed.

The way Swarnima hugged him she never hugged Arya even though they are childhood friends and she trusted him blindly. Maan and Nivedya were like her brothers, still to think of it now, she kept a decent distance from them too.

Abhedya heard the door opening and he walked into the dressing room quietly. A punch landed on his face.

"Oh My god! Aby, what are doing here? I thought it was someone else." Swarnima helped him get up, regretting the tight punch she thought, she gave to a trespasser.

"I was so discreet in entering, how did you even figure out? Uh! Don't bother answering. But why the punch? No one other than the family will walk into the room without knocking. Sona, relax." Abhedya twisted his jaw to relocate it.

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