6. Hotmess

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It was a long day and since no one slept the night before so the moment their heads hit the pillow they slept. Abhedya and Swarnima were under strict surveillance and instructed to rest. They also mutually decided to call it an early night and not play naughty.

They knew they would meet at breakfast.
Alas! The news broke. Swarnima and Abhedya were just a room away from each other but the huge passage was divided by a pink-coloured translucent cloth, barring them to cross the path.

"Guys, are you fucking serious? We are not kids. Shamdeen, please remove this hideous cloth right now." Abhedya was baffled to see his family being serious about not letting them meet. He ordered the staff to remove the barrier.

"Shamdeen, no. Raja sa, it was as per my orders that the "hideous cloth" was put here. If you want, I could revoke my order but in future, I shall not say anything in matters relating to the palace." Emotional blackmail always works and after Nandini's drama, Abhedya raised his hands in defeat and left with a grumpy face.

Swarnima was happy. She was getting married to the man of her dreams and nothing could make her smile disappear. Not even the fact that she could not see Abhedya for a few days. She didn't need to see him physically. She saw him everywhere and even when she closed her eyes.

Rudra was happy and emotional to see her like that. He saw up in heaven and said, 'Swadesh, my friend, my brother, I am making the girl who was born as your daughter, mine permanently. I promise you, buddy, I will not let that shine, that smile from her face fade. Trust me brother, the boy I call my son loves her truly and only after he passed through all my tests did I approve of him. No cheating or favouritism. I know you had complete faith in him since he was small, I didn't. I do, now. I am happy and I am sure so are you.'

"He is for sure." Rudra turned to see his beautiful wife Nandini beside him.

Rudra kissed her crown and confirmed, "I just promised Swadesh, I will not let anything take away my family's happiness." Nandini smiled and embraced him warmly.

The invites were sent. Arrangements were going on in full swing. It was a royal affair and the best in business were hired to manage the events. All men and women in the family were asked to apply for leaves. They belonged to the royal family but they did their jobs with utmost honesty.

To cheer up Abhedya, Arya arranged a bachelor party. That indeed changed his mood. Abhedya always missed his carefree life before he swore to kingship. He loved partying and hanging out with his friends.

"What kind of a party is that?" Aadya asked Arya with investigating eyes.

"Just a boys night. No strippers if that is what you want to ask." Arya came straight to the point.

"Why? We have arranged a party for Nim too and we have STRIPPERS. After all, that girl needs to have some fun." Aadya said rubbing her palms.

"Oh! No! No! Aadya you don't wanna mess with Abhey. He is very-very-very possessive. Besides, you are not watching live naked men." Arya warned Aadya with authority.

"Really? Who will stop me? And ask Abhey to relax, he is very dominating. They will just dance and show some moves... you know. It's not like they'll have sex or something. Dude! Grow up." Aadya left the conversation and a defeated Arya slumped his shoulders. He somehow knew it was all for fun so he didn't tell Abhedya.

Abhedya dressed up in a black shirt and black trousers paired with a bright yellow tie with sperms printed on it which was a gift from Arya for the bachelorette party.
World-class drinks, barbecue, Italian, Chinese, and Thai cuisines were on the menu. The music was blaring loud.
After the security check, Abhedya's friends walked in and were awestruck with the arrangement. Undoubtedly it was the king of Swarnbhoomi's bachelor party.

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