23. Much awaited visitor

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Life is like playing with dominoes. You love decorating it in different shapes and patterns but one wrong move and it crumbles down.

The relation of Swarnima and Abhedya was at that patch where either it could crumble down or it could be built ahead. Swarnima was waiting for Abhedya's answer and Abhedya was in a dilemma. He didn't mean what he said, not a single word but he wanted to test their bond. Had their love not given enough tests? This was not required. His heart was pounding hard and asking him to deny his words, to apologise for what he said. The sane part of his brain had stopped functioning.

"Just sleep, Sona. I don't have an answer right now." Abhedya dodged the question.

"It's okay. I got my answer. I would still request you to take the bed. Good night." Swarnima drank her tears inside and walked towards the dining table in the other room of their suite. She made herself a cup of chamomile tea heating the water in the electric kettle and dipping the sachet in the gold-lined cup.

Anger grew in Abhedya. He hated himself for accusing his wife of false allegations but he hated Swarnima's silence more. She can fight, can object to his derogatory comment and behaviour, she did not. What does she mean she got her answer? Hell! What if she thinks he meant what he said. He remembered her broken voice and the hurt in her eyes. He walked to the adjoining room and saw her sipping her tea and viewing the night sky from the window.

Is she back to being old Swarnima who masked her feelings and didn't bother what anyone said to her? Was this the calmness before the storm?

"Are you not going to sleep?" Abhedya broke the ice and asked in his most normal fake tone.

"Probably I will after I finish my tea," Swarnima answered him in her most normal real tone which was soft and candid.

"Um.. about earlier..." Abhedya's heart was at unrest. He wanted to clear out things. He needed to hug and kiss her and tell her he was 'sorry' for what he did and say.

"I know your answer don't bother answering." Swarnima was not even looking at him while saying.

Agitated with her indifference he took a chair and placed it right in front of Swarnima and asked, "What do you know? Huh?"

Still avoiding to look into his eyes Swarnima replied, "I know, you know I was not 'seducing' you. You said that because 'something' was in your mind. It has happened for the first time that you were distracted when we kissed. I am sorry I asked you when I knew the answer."

Abhedya was knocked out with her reply. She knew every bit of him and he thought he could fool her and test their bond. Abhedya gulped the lump in his throat and after staring at Swarnima for a few minutes while she was staring at the dark without blinking, he left the room.

Abhedya was in bed missing his wife terribly. Why was he messing with their beautiful bond? He slept hugging the pillow and only got up in the morning. The other side of the bed was untouched he could figure out. The lounge was where Swarnima slept.

'Wow! What a beautiful morning Abhey? What has the girl even done? You promised your father, her deceased father, your state and her, to keep her happy and give her all comforts of life. There she is sleeping on chaise lounge today and other day she slept in the balcony on a chair.' Abhedya's heart scolded him.

He went close to her and sat on the floor. He caressed her cheek and detangled her hair. She was indeed his 'morning glory'. Why was she not getting up or reacting to his touch?
As if, Abhedya had just drunk love potion he called her in his sugary voice, "Sona, get up sweetheart. It's eight in the morning." He kissed her cheeks which seemed to be a little chubby from before. No reaction. Strange! So he repeated, "Sona, get up."

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