18. Won my heart all over again

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His smile moderated her heartbeats
Her eyes were his visual treat.

It was the first Sunday post marriage when the entire royal family were together. The royal Sunday lunch was grand.

"Let's plan something fun," Tara suggested.

"What do you want to do, love?" Maan asked his wife lovingly.

"Brother, she does not intend to do what you intend to do." Arya teased his brother but Maan and Tara just rolled their eyes at his comment.

"Food Competition"
"Blush of love"
"Twenty questions"
"Truth or dare"
Were some suggestions that were considered and debated. No one decision was reached.

"Papa, what are you all going to do?" Arya asked his father, Randeep.

"We have many options. Today, we have decided on Contract bridge. It used to be our favourite card game and Rima always won." Randeep remembered the good old days.

The older clan went to Rudra's room which was now free of visitors who came to enquire about his health.

"Hello people!" the voice irritated everyone.
"Hi Raina, hi Adah" everyone replied.

"Count us in. We will also stay and play with you guys." Adah took a seat next to Abhedya and declared. Tara was apologetic for her self invited, mean and cunning cousins.

"Sure, but it's a couple only games," Aadya informed her sore enemy.

"So, who is Nivi playing with? His first love Nimrit or his miss 'side chick' Arundhati?" Adah leaked the little secret she found out from her sources.

"Nivi and Arundhati are just friends. Don't spread false rumours, Adah." Swarnima defended Nivedya. She saw herself and Abhedya and Nivedya and Nimrit.

"Huh! Rani sa, I guess my sources are better than your's then. Just like my other things." Adah was sarcastic and her eyes had a wicked shine.

"Adah just watch out okay. Don't you say..." Maan warned the girl who was spitting fire.

"Jiju sa, relax! I am just stating the facts. Anyways, it's your personal matter Nivi but I suggest figure out before Nimrit leaves you and you are left with that nobody 'Arundhati'." Adah knew how to ruin perfect moments.

"I guess I am done for the day. I have to study. Exams are close." Nivedya turned to leave and saw Arundhati standing there with tears in her eyes. She ran from there and Nivedya and Swarnima followed her. Adah's work was done too so she also waved a bye and winked at her sister Raina who will play the game from here on.

"I will just go and check." Abhedya left from there too.

"Arundhati you know it's nothing like that. You are my best friend and very special to me. If Nimrit or others understand, good, otherwise I cannot live with a girl who doesn't trust me and has issues with my female friends." Nivedya tried to calm Arundhati down who was sobbing in Swarnima's arms.

"Nivi, just relax. If, Nimrit has a problem talk to her. I know how much you love her. You look like a lost soul these days. Sort out things. Arundhati can help you.
Okay, I will tell you a secret. Yesterday Aby and I had a little fight and Aby must have discussed it with a friend of his which I don't appreciate because it should be between the couple. I don't know what that girl suggested but Aby and I patched up. So, maybe, three of you can also sit together and sort out things." Swarnima shared her situation as an example.

Abhedya who was listening to the conversation quietly bobbed his Adam's apple. Only he knew the truth of his actions. Swarnima was clueless and naive.

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