49. Disoriention

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You are my yellow bronze sky

While Swarnima was being hugged and congratulated, Abhedya was observing her from far and thanking God for everything. For family, for love, for safety and health. He just wanted to keep their smiles intact.

"Abhey, what are you doing there buddy? Come on, you are the father join the hug." Arya pulled Abhedya in the group hug but Rudra distanced himself.

"I will be very clear, I am extremely annoyed with Abhey and nothing he does or says will reduce my anger." Rudra nodded curtly and left from there.

Abhedya lowered his head but Randeep patted his shoulder and said, "Give him time."

"He has all the time. Besides, he is not wrong. I don't expect him or anyone to forgive me, for the sin, I have done has no repentance." Abhedya was broken and his words pained everyone's heart but the heart in which he was the only one who sheltered, had cracks.

"Abhey, don't say..." Nandini tried to console but Abhedya stopped her in the mid.

"Mom, just be happy you are going to be a granny." Abhedya diverted the conversation to make everyone smile again.

"She already looks like one. I suggest Nandini, you should get some skin treatment." Pri helped Abhedya to bring back the happy mood.

"Oh! please Pri, you are just jealous of my sister. She still looks not more than fifty." Randeep complimented his cousin Nandini.

"FIFTY? I am just FORTY-EIGHT!" Nandini shouted in disagreement only to make the entire clan laugh hysterically.

Swarnima missed this banter of her family. Honestly, she missed everything.

While Swarnima was resting in her room overlooking the scenery, Abhedya was working quietly. She wanted to talk to him. Take his hand in hers, look in those eyes she resided and listen to the beats that used to rise whenever she looked at him. Her focus shifted from scenery to Abhedya and unconsciously she was staring at him.

"You want something?" Abhedya asked but got no response. "You want something, Sona?" He asked again but she didn't reply. He got up and touched her hand. "Sona, are you fine?"

"Huh?! I...I...am fine. Why?" Swarnima asked him cluelessly.

"You were just looking at me but didn't say anything, so I got up to ask." Abhedya chose his words carefully. He had lost his confidence.

"I...I... might have zoned out. Sorry, continue your work." Swarnima replied rolling her tongue on her lips. She was caught.

Abhedya bit the inside of his lips. He wanted his analysis to be correct that she was indeed staring at him but he feared if it was out of love or acquisition.

"Okay, you want to do something? Mom and Aadya are busy with preparations and bhui is at the hospital. I am an option who is available if you want to "use" me?" Abhedya cracked a fairly okay joke after long and Swarnima couldn't help but smile.

"What can my only available option do for me?" Swarnima asked with a tease.

"Whatever the user chooses," Abhedya replied candidly.

"Hehe!" Swarnima giggled and off went Abhedya's heart flying in the air.

"No worries. Just finish your work. Can you pass me my laptop?" Swarnima requested him.

Abhedya opened a drawer and pulled out Swarnima's laptop. Covered in a pink sleeve was her Macbook pro. Her eyes brightened with glee. She pressed the power button and the screen displayed a beautiful picture of Abhedya and her. It was one of her favourite pictures from their wedding album. Her smile grew a bit more as the kiss that followed in the closed hall flashed her mind. Her nipples hardened with its memory, making her feel uneasy.

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