17. Let's make a night to remember

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Reaching the office together today, workaholics Abhedya and Swarnima resumed work in their respective cabins. Swarnima was analysing every possible aspect and Abhedya had the tough task of dismantling the complex robots.

"Aby... lunch?" Swarnima asked when it was about lunchtime.

"I am starving. Will be there in ten." Abhedya replied and Swarnima left with a smile.

While going to Swarnima's cabin for lunch Abhedya saw Swarnima giving a tiffin to one of the managers. He quickened his steps to know what was going on. He raised his brows to ask "what's up".
Swarnima got a little nervous before answering and fumbled with words so the manager answered, "Raja sa, you have the kindest and most considerate wife. When she came to know that my wife who works here too, is expecting and loves Rajasthani cuisine, she got it especially for us. Not only that but yesterday also..."

"Umm. Please Mr Khanna it's fine, really. No worries. Just enjoy the meal. See you later." Swarnima didn't let him complete.

"What happened yesterday?" Abhedya knew his friend cum wife was hiding something.

Mr Khanna looked at Abhedya and then continued, "Yesterday also, she gave her entire lunch to us. She served my wife with her own hands. I... I have no words to explain how happy she was with Rani sa's gesture. Raja sa, we know the fraud in the company, can be dangerous. My department and I ensure our full cooperation."

Mr Khanna left and Swarnima knew the bomb will blast in 3 2 1... "Sona, how could you? You know you are not supposed to starve and have meals at proper times. I was angry and avoided lunch but when I felt hungry I had something. Don't tell me you skipped all the meals yesterday?" Abhedya was fuming in anger.

Swarnima looked at angry Abhedya in adoration and tiptoed to kiss him hard on his lips.
"That won't help." Abhedya tried to remain angry and not exhibit the effect of the kiss on him.

"I thought giving the drug to the addict could make him happy." Swarnima teased biting the inside of her cheeks to avoid smiling while laying the lunch on the table.

Pulling her to himself and undoing her top two buttons and moving his slender fingers along her long neck Abhedya whispered, "The addict also has other addictions."
Abhedya continued moving his fingers near the collar bone and neck making Swarnima lose herself to his touch. Abhedya was loving the effect his basic touch had on his girl. Bending down to kiss her jawline, neck and ignoring the knock on the door until it became loud.

Breaking the moment and opening the door Abhedya almost shouted on the peon, "WHAT?"

Jumping two steps behind he shivered and said, "Ra.. raja sa, water..."

Abhedya took the bottle and said, "Thank you. But if someone is not opening the door learn to wait. Maybe they are in the middle of something..." Abhedya could make the girls blush, yes! but the peon blushed at his statement and went away shying as if Abhedya just flirted with him.

"Aby! How can you... oh! God! Everyone will gossip now. Papa will tease us. He will say I sent you for work, not for romancing. You just don't..." Swarnima had no words for the blunder her husband did.

Smiling at his next move Abhedya locked the room, picked up Swarnima and made her sit on the table. "Let's repeat Bora Bora."

Swarnima's mind was asking her to refuse and before she could Abhedya started his sweet tortures ceasing Swarnima's capabilities to think and react. Making out on an office desk was adventurous. Swarnima had no clue these things could make someone so elated. When Abhedya was about to unzip his and Swarnima's pants. Swarnima intervened "Aby, stop! I...I.. don't think it's right to do it here. We don't have protection and it's a workplace."

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