50. Shocks: Sweet and bitter

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"Aaahh!" Swarnima whimpered in pain and Abhedya immediately ran to her side.

"Sona, what happened? Are you alright?" Abhedya rubbed her back but she was holding her stomach in pain.

"Fatimah... call Bhui and Arya immediately, " Abhedya shouted and the staff in the adjoining room ran to call the doctors.

"There was no need to call them. I am fine. It's normal. I am still not..." Swarnima could not even finish explaining before Pri came inside.

"What's wrong Nim?" She examined her in worry.

"Nothing bhui. Just not habitual with the movements. They are increasing day by day." Swarnima explained the reason and Pri smiled.

"It's fine, sweetheart. You will get used to it gradually. Besides, there are two inside. I am sure they are having their share of fun. Playing and eating...ice creams?" Pri teased the would-be mother eyeing the licked to clean ice cream tubs.

Abhedya was smiling like a fool listening to the conversation. "Stop grinning like a fool. I am bearing the pain and that makes you smile?" Swarnima's scolding only widened his smile.

"Exactly, men can never understand the pain. But, you are not married to any man, child. Your husband is blessed by the God of Love." Pri appreciated her beloved nephew. She knew what he has and is going through.

"Nim... Abhey? What happened?" Nandini followed by Rudra barged the room looking horrified.

"Oh! God! Look what you have done." Swarnima felt bad for worrying everyone for no reason.

"I knew he is the reason behind her pain. What did you do?" Rudra misinterpreted the statement and held his son's collar.

"Relax! Please! He did not do anything." Swarnima disapproved of Rudra's behaviour.

"Rudra! He was scared to see Nim in pain which was not even pain. She is not used to the movements. Still, he called for me immediately to check. He was vigilant enough." Pri was annoyed with her twin's reaction.

"Nim, you know Abhey was a naughty child too. He used to dance inside and give me sleepless nights. Then Rudra used to caress my swollen belly to calm the storm inside. To date, he silences Abhey. Just, the difference is, he does it with anger now and the love is long forgotten." Nandini taunted her husband. She was trying hard to tame her haughty horse.

"I agree, rubbing the belly often calms the movements. Talk to your kids. Tell them to not trouble their mother." Pri suggested and at the same moment Swarnima again shrieked, "AAhhh"

"You seem to bore them, Bhui Granny," Arya commented on his mother's suggestion and everyone laughed. "Hey, I just came from the hospital and was told to rush to the king's room."

Swaarnima felt embarrassed. She did not want anyone to worry for her. But, they did, then why did they not worry when she was away. Deeksha did tell her, her letters were very convincing and it was hard to believe they were not written by Swarnima herself. Swarnima was in a dilemma.

After a few more instructions everyone left the room and Abhedya apologised for the embarrassment Swarnima felt because of him.

"Don't accept his apology. He was concerned can't you see?" Swarnima's heart elucidated her.

"You were just concerned I could see." Swarnima loved his care.

"I should understand better." His reply made Swarnima furrow her brows. He was so changed and felt so distant. Her heart and mind were debating making her confused and irritated.


Days passed, Swarnima was a little more civil to Abhedya and her bond with the family was rekindling slowly. Her reports were better and there was a remarkable improvement in her health. She noticed small and big changes in Abhedya. The lover boy turned into a loving man. More mature, less impulsive, zero anger issues, no space for arguments. He did his duties as a husband and as a king flawlessly. He didn't miss a single meal with Swarnima, gave her all the time he could.
What more could a girl ask for?
Swarnima had never asked anything except Abhedya's happiness and she could see how mechanical he turned. He chose his words wisely, spoke only if essential and participated in family activities to keep them happy. His choices were no longer personalised. He agreed to whatever made everyone happy. The change was crushing Swarnima's heart. She was unable to do anything or she did not want to do anything she could not figure out. The perplexity was getting on her nerves. So, she spent her time in Tara's room with Taran and the newborn. She was learning more about how to take care of an infant and herself.

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