20. Unwanted visitor

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'Say anything to me you want but in private. We will never let our differences if any, be available for public display. I will listen to all your complaints and rants calmly and patiently. We will together solve all the problems and never sleep with conflicts unresolved.'

Swarnima had tears in her eyes as she remembered the promise Abhedya and she made before their wedding. Abhedya broke it. He slept without resolving the conflict and was discussing their life with someone Swarnima did not even know. She thought last time he did it because she was not there for the discussion but this time there was not even a fight! Still, he told everything to this girl.

What made her cry was the word 'embarrass and bore'. Did she embarrass him? Sure they were poles apart when it came to the definition of lifestyle and she was a misfit in his world, she knew. But she never wanted to embarrass him.

She started to dress up and apply make-up as an act to fit in this world. But if it meant cracking nonsense jokes, flirting with others, drinking, playing games that would make her uncomfortable then she preferred to be the misfit.

Swarnima regretted reading the message notification. Her tears were something she never wanted anyone to see, not even her husband. She was groomed to be self-reliant and she was. She will recover herself from these silly thoughts and think of something that would make Abhedya happy. With those thoughts, Swarnima got up with zeal and took a relaxing shower. She cleaned the tub and kept away all the candles.

True Love is probably blind. The only thing you want is your partner's happiness and find reasons that justify their actions that might have even caused you pain.

Abhedya was up by twelve and noticed Swarnima and staff were clearing up the set up on the balcony. The events of last night flashed and his head was spinning.

"ARGH!" He let out a frustrated groan and moved towards the balcony thinking "Such a fool he was, he is. Did he shout at his wife for arranging a date? If he didn't understand her hint it's his fault, not her's. As if, he informed her before going out with his friends. The stupid girl he married did not know how to argue or maybe she chose not to. Did he even give her a chance to speak? He just issued a notice that he was not in his senses and she should not say anything further. Like always she respected him."

"Hi!" he kept his greeting small.

"Hiiii!!" she didn't. She gave him a billion-dollar smile that made his heart melt. The staff bow before Abhedya and he instructed him to leave.

"Brunch? Mumma sent it beforehand. She said she knows her son would be hungry. Have you freshened up? Go quickly. I am starving." Abhedya silenced Swarnima with a small kiss.

"Sorry." Abhedya was at a loss for words.

"Me too. Let's talk later please, I am damn hungry." Swarnima made her best puppy face that made Abhedya smile.

He moved his thumb on her soft cheek with love and suggested, "You eat then. Why are you waiting for me? It's quite late Sona."

"No it's been so long we've talked. I'll eat an apple till then." Swarnima removed the invisible frown lines from his forehead soothing his inner turmoil.

How well did she knew him he thought and bow down in front of her and said, "As you say, my queen."

Receiving a titter in response to his drama brought a smile to his face and he quickly went to the bathroom which was again DECORATED?!

 Receiving a titter in response to his drama brought a smile to his face and he quickly went to the bathroom which was again DECORATED?!

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