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It takes every fibre from your body to love a person.
When that person disappears your body feels inanimate.

"What are you saying Digant?" Randeep questioned him puzzled.

Digant wiped his tears, took a deep breath and exposed a conspiracy that will shake the walls of Swarnbhoomi.
"Hukum, my name is Digant Dushyant Singh. Yes, I am the ill-fated son of the demon king." The ground beneath the feet of the royals slipped. The man they trusted blindly was the son of their biggest enemy.


"LEAVE HER!" Abhedya shouted and the guards who were holding Swarnima turned to the source of the voice.

Time stopped!

The two pairs of eyes met.
The hearts that beat in sync were throbbing inside.
The souls of Abhedya and Swarnima left their bodies to unite again and the dark dungeon illuminated with their love.

Swarnima freed her left hand from the powerful grip of kidnappers and pointed at her belly and then at Abhedya. The non-verbal message was loud and clear... "the baby inside is yours."

Abhedya regretted the last words he said to Swarnima. He doubted his flesh and blood. God punished him by separating him and his wife. He wanted to hug her, apologise to her, kiss her, make up for all the wrong done and time lost. Only, if he could get this last chance.

"Stay away! you take a step ahead and we will stab this knife inside her." A guard warned Abhedya.

Abhedya obeyed him and stood still. His eyes never left Swarnima's. He was seeing her after months. The boy who could not spend a minute without his love by his side stayed away and survived? Abhedya pinched himself to believe Swarnima was actually in front of him.

"So, Raja sa, you came? Good! It will be an honour to kill the mighty King and Queen of Swarnbhoomi together." The guard commented and others laughed.

"Sadly, that won't happen. Your head, Dushyant is almost dead and his evil daughter will be arrested too. If you don't wish to bear the same fate, leave my wife and I shall set you free." Abhedya proposed a deal.

"Our head would have anyways died in a few months and his crazy daughter was driving us mad. So, if the King as any other proposal we can consider?" The guard's demand made one thing clear that nobody wanted to help Dushyant but they were with him for their selfish motives.

"What do you want? Money? Property? Say and I can arrange anything." Abhedya was moving towards them slowly.

"We know. That is why your wife is still alive. We want Ten million dollars, not rupees, a house in Dubai, a legal visa and a passport and free us from all the charges against us. Do it else one slight push and your lady will die." The guard threatened.

"NOoooo! I will fulfil all your demands. But, you have to release my wife first." Abhedya bartered with them.

"Raja sa, your wife is so fragile that the moment I leave her hand she will fall. Want to see?" The guard loosened his grip and Swarnima was about to fall. He caught her hand on time and laughed.

Abhedya wiped his tears and shouted, "I will give you more, that's my word. But, let me take her from here. A man will contact you as soon as we leave." Abhedya was slowly covering the gap. The distance between Swarnima and him was killing him.

"No! We can't trust you! We want the money now. These are our accounts." Another guard gave a phone to Abhedya with a list of accounts.

"Fine! Let me come close to my wife I won't leave until you get your money." Abhedya tried hard to persuade them. He just wanted to cease the distance.

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