10. Faith, love, trust and respect

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You know it's love when your heart beats change and dances to the rhythm of the person who is not you.

With the wash of new light Swarnima's face took on the appearance of an old photograph, one of nostalgia, so alluring. Her eyes were still in the land of dreams and she unconsciously touched her heart which was thankfully still beating. The  last night was what she replayed on her mind, in her dreams. The walk to her darling and exchanging the betrothal ring.
The dazzling glow of Abhedya's happy face and his stunning looks gave her orgasm of the skin. The frisson was so strong that even when the function ended and they bid adieu, Swarnima could feel him around.

A knock on the door brought her out of her daydreaming session.
"Good morning princess. How are you this morning? Don't bother answering. Your shine and smile give your state." Rudra gave her a cup of hot milk and sat next to her.

She put her head on his shoulder and asked, "Is it a dream, Chachu? Don't bring me out, if it is. It feels real though. Surreal yet true ."

"It's a reward for your hard work and patience, love and sacrifice. You deserve nothing more than absolute happiness. Embrace it with open arms." Rudra sipped his tea and Swarnima smiled while having her milk.

"Chachu, what is it that you want to say? I can read you, you know that." Swarnima could feel the emotions flowing in Rudra's eyes.

"I know princess. I don't know how to say." Rudra took a deep breath and continued... "Nim, I always wanted a daughter, you know right? I got two sons, morons". They laughed on his comment.
"I always had you, to call my own, but I now want exclusive rights on you. I want you to call me "papa, dad" or whatever endearment you like. I know I am not your father but... I want you, my daughter. That's my last wish."
Swarnima hugged him tight and put her hand on his mouth to stop him from saying further.

"Don't you wish to see your state flourish? Don't you wish to see your kids do well and their kids grow up? The world trip you promised masi after our marriage? There's a lot you should wish for, for you deserve everything, papa." Swarnima kissed Rudra's cheek softly.

"You are my lifeline, Nim." Rudra told her honestly. He felt supreme level of happiness.

"I thought it was me!" A dramatic voice from the door made them smile.

"Of course you are, my love. But, the gift I got today from her, has definitely added some years to my life." Rudra pulled Nandini next to him.

"Did you just take dowry? How could you?" Nandini was in a different zone today.

"Geez! Nandini! How much drama can you do? Stop being around Pri. She is injurious to your health. If the gift Swarnima gave me is dowry, it should be legalised and every family should demand it from the bride." Rudra patted Swarnima's hand and conveyed her what he wanted to say through his eyes. For he knew she could read him.
Nandini had no clue what was being talked about. So Swarnima enlightened her.

"From now on, this man Rudra Rajvanshi is officially changing his name to papa. I hope you are now clear mumma?" Swarnima addressed someone papa and mumma after ages. Sure no one can replace your real parents but the ones who are closest substitutes can be given the title as a token of appreciation. In Swarnima's case Rudra and Nandini have always given her more love than her real parents and their own sons. She was indeed their lifeline.

When emotions become so intense that you can no longer hold them, you cry or shout. In Nandini's case she did both. She screamed like a child and then broke down. "I have waited my entire life to hear this Nim. Rudra all the gifts I have got till now, this is the most precious one."
A family hug moment for the newly found old family.

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