16. Love turrets

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It was around two in the night but sleep was far away from Abhedya's eyes. He kept staring at the sleeping figure beside him. Frustrated and angered by the whole scenario.
Swarnima was too innocent and pure to play any kind of games his heart knew but his mind chose to ignore what the truth was and believed what it saw. Swarnima had the power to convince anyone with her words and she was gifted with magical eyes. They changed colours to express their feelings, hypnotised if they wanted to. Killing the urge to pull her in his arms, smell that fruity-minty fragrance that drove him mad and kiss her insanely.

As if, sensing those eyes Swarnima always felt captivated to, were staring at her, she opened her eyes but Abhedya closed his immediately and turned his back to her. Swarnima wanted to call him out, talk to him and be in his arms but his behaviour pained her heart. Sure she was wrong with her suggestion but her motive was righteous. Abhedya knew she was not capable of playing any games as he accused her, still he was behaving so indifferent. He even forgot that they decided no matter what they would resolve their differences before sleeping.

Hunger mixed with immense pain didn't let Swarnima sleep more so she got up and stepped out on the balcony. Grabbing her favourite energy bar from her purse and opening her laptop, she sat on a rot-iron white chair and table to do her work. Sleep was far away so work will be a good diversion. Typing furiously and eating bar after bar Swarnima's eyes felt strained after an hour. She curled up in the chair and slept in the seating position only. The screen was on and chocolate wrappers were pressed under the laptop to avoid them from littering around.

It was seven-thirty when Abhedya's alarm buzzed and he opened his eyes to an empty bed. Fear was written all over his face. He got up with a jerk and blinked his eyes twice to confirm that Swarnima was not beside him. Getting down hastily and searching in the adjoining rooms and bathroom only to get panicked on not finding her. He rushed to the balcony and saw a twenty-three-year-old girl sleeping like a child on a chair. Her hair blew with the morning breeze and goosebumps were visible on her skin because of the cold. Shutting the laptop Abhedya sighed in relief.

'Thank god she didn't leave me. I can't survive without her. Not a second. She is my life.' Abhedya looked at her with love.
'That is why you behaved badly with her? Not even giving her a chance to explain. You know better Abhey she is the last person who can play mind games. What she suggested was because she didn't want father-son to argue.' Abehdya's heart reasoned.
'She may be innocent but she knows the mind tricks and can use or may have used them and may use them, in future. She was trained by the Queen and everyone knows how she won battles, not with weapons but with her sharp mind games. Abhey, just be careful and not fall into the trap. Sure, you love her and she is your wife, your life but teach her where she's going wrong.' Abehdya's mind analysed and suggested.

Abhedya ignored the conflict and picked up his baby girl in his arms. 'Heaven' is what it felt like when after more than a day he touched her with love. Opening her eyes into the arms of her man. It was a utopia. She could live forever and die peacefully there. Looking into each other's eyes after so long and for so long that they didn't realise their position.

Talking, accusing and explaining was all done by those two pairs of eyes. Apology and forgiveness were exchanged but no words were spoken.
When Swarnima's alarm buzzed, the trance was broken and Abhedya realised he was a fool to have thought what he thought and Swarnima knew her efforts to explain were not satisfactory. Turning off the disturbing alarm and getting down from the cradle of his arms Swarnima took a deep breath and wished "good morning".

"Why did you sleep outside?" Abhedya asked her.

"I told you I can't sleep alone anymore. So, I came out to work." Swarnima tried to flirt but something in Abhedya changed and he snapped "Liar! you were sleeping so comfortably outside. You needed an alarm to wake you up."

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