27. Changing dynamics

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He was a rare diamond. Precious and scintillating.
He was a picture from an old album, invaluable and cherishable.
He was a perfect lover, passionate and considerate.
He was a romance novel hero, flamboyant and desirable.
He was the King, generous and tough.

The last thing Swarnima ever wanted to see was Abhedya's tears. Today, the fall of guilt dropping from his eyes didn't stop.

"Aby, please don't cry. Give me time to digest. If you cry, I will cry too." Swarnima's throat choked. She could not see him crying. Her heartbeats were directly proportional to his smile and she had always told him if he cried or was sad her heart might stop working.

Abhedya wiped his tears took his chance and kissed Swarnima's forehead. "I can't believe you are still sitting with me and talking to me after what I did. I thought you would stop talking to me or even  worse, leave me!" Abhedya's eyes blurred again.

"You wish to see me dead?" Swarnima questioned him and Abhedya immediately put his hand on her mouth. "You didn't let me complete my vow on the day you proposed to me. I told you to come what may, I won't ever leave you. Even if you push me away or ask me to leave, I will be right here by your side. So, sorry, your wish to get rid of me won't be fulfilled in this life at least." Swarnima sat up and filled a glass of water for herself and Abhedya. He gulped it in one go.

"I am going out for breakfast," Swarnima told him.

"Sona, we are not back to normal. I know you are hurt and..." Abhedya stopped when Swarnima smiled at him.

"Aby, this is our new normal. For others, we remain like the old normal but for this room which is still filled the odour of a croupier, we remain like she wanted us to be 'just friends'." Swarnima fisted her hands while saying it. She had never been just a friend to Abhedya. They were always together. Even when they were not dating, there was an undeniable attraction between the two.

"As long as you are with me I am satisfied with whichever designation you choose. Just give me a chance Sona. I will earn your trust again." Abhedya looked hopeful and determined.

Swarnima did not reply and left the room. She was hungry. "Amma, I am famished. What's for breakfast?"

"What would you like, Rani sa? I have prepared a regular meal that you all eat." Amma replied.

"You too are annoyed with me just like Eklavya? I thought you will understand. Josh is here to take what's rightfully his and I am with him." Swarnima turned to leave but banged in a hard chest and rubbed her nose. "Aaooo."

"What's Josh here for?" Abhedya who overheard their conversation enquired.

Swarnima and Amma turned pale and looked at each other for answers.

"Raja sa, please sit. I will serve you, your favourite bacon." Amma ignored his question and Swarnima sat at the table so Abhedya joined her. He had his suspicions but that could be dealt with later. Right now, his focus was winning his wife's heart and he will not miss a chance to woo her.

"Hey, love birds patched up?" Arya pulled Swarnima's cheek to tease her.

Swarnima hit his hand away and replied, "kind of." Abhedya looked sad and broken.

"Looks like you are giving a tough time to my brother. He looks like a worn-out car." Arya joked at his brother's expense.

"Mr. boyfriend you have started to hide things from me now? What's this?" Aadya charged on Arya.

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