30. Tension

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Swarnima gathered herself and changed in her regular T-shirt and shorts. Walking out of the dressing room feeling better Swarnima munched a few cookies freshly baked for her.

"Did you not have diner?" Abhedya questioned her.

Swarnima's hand stopped midway and she put the cookie back in the jar.

"I didn't mean to stop you from eating it. I just wanted to know if you had dinner properly or eating it just as a snack?" Abhedya clarified his statement.

Swarnima smiled and munched the cookie again. "I did but I was craving to eat it so I ate." The cutest girl Abhedya knew was standing in his room and was marked his 'forever' but he couldn't go close to her. 'Damn! It was so tough!' Abhedya cursed Swarnima's moans on the consumption of the baked delicacy. So, he surfed his phone to divert his attention.

Swarnima took the couch for sleeping again today. "Sona, just sleep here now. You always blame me for dragging things. Who's doing it now? We are adults and can behave?." The last part sounded more like a question than a statement.

Swarnima was dying to slip in the same comforter but Abhedya's deceit had hurt her and she was debating with her heart and mind. When Abhedya was in a scene it was her heart that won all conflicts.

With rising heartbeats of excitement and happiness, she slipped into the comforter and Abhedya smiled. A day without his 'love' not by his side was enough torture for him.
Correction! Torture had just started. The king-size bed was huge and a space that could fill two more people was between the couple. How to reduce the gap? Abhedya was thinking of plans when Swarnima asked him in a sleepy voice, "Aby, can friends hold hands and sleep?"

"When was the last time I offered prayers to Ma Bhawani?" Abhedya thought. He thanked their holy deity and took Swarnima's soft hand in his. The touch could ignite the fire in the jungle. Swarnima tightened her grip and immediately slept. After confirming she was sleeping Abhedya shifted an inch closer to her. An inch more and more until finally, he could feel her breath. He cursed himself for breaking her trust and creating a rift in their beautiful relation. What was he even thinking accepting the challenge?
A message beeped and Abhedya regretted reading it. He shifted his focus back on the sleeping beauty next to him.

Their love life was never all roses. After fighting the worst enemies when they married he thought the walk of thorns was over but they still have to walk a mile. "I won't let you walk on thorns anymore Sona, I will turn them to roses. Just give me one more chance. I love you, my cookie. COOKIE! Haha! She is getting chubbier and cuter." Abhedya was observing Swarnima closely calling her love names.

When the alarm rang in the morning Swarnima turned it off and slept again. She shifted in Abhedya's arms unconsciously. Abhedya wrapped her tightly and peaceful sleep engulfed them. After half an hour when Abhedya's alarm rang it went on automatic snooze since none of them bothered to turn it off. The process continued three times when finally Swarnima's sleep got disturbed and she opened her eyes to see her 'morning delight' holding her tightly and securely in his arms and her hand was around his strong torso.
How much she missed 'this' she thought. Smiling to her crazy self she tried to loosen Abhedya's grip which only tightened.

"Aby, Aby, please let me go." Swarnima requested in a sleepy voice. She wanted to stay there forever though.

Abhedya locked her by keeping his leg on her legs. "Let me sleep. I slept late."

"Let me go. You can sleep." Though she loved the trap she was trapped in.

"Mmm! Don't talk! sleep." Abhedya patted her head like a child and pulled her closer.
Swarnima could feel his heartbeats, his musk, his even breaths and his powerful envelop of arms. Before Swarnima could request again, Abhedya loosened the grip and opened his eyes. Their eyes locked and Abhedya knew his day was going to be bright. Swarnima's sea-green eyes were telling him she loved him 'still'. It gave him the power and fresh enthusiasm to mend the broken wall of their home again.

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