38. Vivid visuals

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Abhedya shut Swarnima's laptop in anger. He called everyone to his room. The troubled royals marched to his room.
"Abhey, what is it," Randeep questioned with urgency.

"So, is everyone here?" Abhedya rubbed his hands with excitement. "There is good news folks. Party, celebrate our dear Swarnima is safe. Yes, I hacked her laptop and read an email that confirmed she is away from us by her will.
Apparently, Kristina mailed her asking for help. She got to know that we are blaming her for Sona's sudden disappearance and she feared we might put her behind the bars. They had a deal/challenge and Sona lost. Yeah, she lost and according to the terms of their "pact" Sona, had to move out and search for her real self.
So, whatever, our guesses or theories were... let's say they were just... pointless.
Breathe in, breathe out.
Gone are the days of sad pout.
Resume your regular schedules. We have lots of work to do." Abhedya sat down with relief. His smile had returned.

"Abhey, what are you saying? I can't believe it." Nandini questioned him in disbelief.

"Mom, I knew out of all, you will have doubts, so, just see." Abhedya turned Swarnima's laptop and everyone read the mail.

"Abhey, are you sure it's not fake. I mean she could be lying and making up. Nim has not replied to her." Rudra was still not sure whether to believe it or not.

"Dad! I thought you were a tech genius yourself. That is a valid mail account. Sona's account. I have checked. Why Sona didn't reply only she knows. Honestly, she is now a mystery to me and I am no longer searching for her. I won't stop you guys with your search but I don't think Sona will appreciate it. As for," taking a deep breath Abhedya continued in a serious tone, "the pregnancy, I think she is fine else she would have discussed it with Bhui already. Now, let me sleep. It's been days since I haven't slept. Good night."

"I can stay with you Abhey. Let's do a movie run." Arya offered. He knew his friend needed support.

"Thanks, Arya. But I am more than fine." Abhedya's behaviour was a different kind of happy but the clan let it go for the time being.

"I don't know what's wrong with you two. I am fed up. I thought you two will be happy with each other. Since the time I remember, you both have loved each other. You fought not only the world but with each other to be together. How did things change in just three months Abhey?" Rudra's eyes bored deep in Abhedya's eyes to search for an answer.

Abhedya scoffed and replied, "MARRIAGE! happened, dad. Life changed, circumstances changed, we changed. I have not given up and neither has she, we appreciate your concern but please, if from this point you all could give us the privacy we deserve. No more questions. Goodnight."

Abhedya moved towards his balcony. He had said and explained enough.

One by one everyone left. Digant was still in the King's room. When Abhedya came back Digant asked him, "Raja sa, please pardon my saying so but are you sure? Rani sa, has sworn to protect the crown, this state, she cannot just leave. It doesn't add up."

Abhedya studied Digant for a while then took a deep breath. "Digant, I know it's hard to digest but I know Kristina and her trapping powers. I am letting go of this matter till Sona returns. Once, she comes back safe, I will close Kristina's chapter once and for all. It's quite late now, you must leave. Thank you for staying by us throughout."
Digant bow in front of his king and left closing the door.

After days Abhedya slept peacefully.
The next morning while dressing up for office Abhedya's eyes fell on a drawer and he stared at it for long. He searched for its key and opened it. The drawer was filled with papers and different weird things which upon a close observation made him smile.

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