2. Will you Marry me?

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Abhedya took Swarnima to a swing suspended from a tree. She sat on it and the view ahead mesmerised her. The state they loved and fought to protect was shining bright. The state climbed new heights under the young ruler and his protector.

"I am surprised that I never came here before. The view is spectacular Aby." Swarnima was in awe of the view. Abhedya brought a Ben & Jerry's chocolate cone for her and earned a flash of 32 bright and sparkling teeth.

" I thought ice creams were desserts, served post diner." Swarnima teased licking her ice cream.

"Well, after growing up our first unofficial date was at the ice cream parlour. Where you licked the ice cream and for the first time I saw a glimpse of 'my SONA' in the nerd Swarnima. So, ice cream first." Abhedya reminded her of the day he accused Swarnima of something she was not guilty of and then he made it up with an ice cream treat. It was officially their unofficial first date. They reminisced the day and laughed when Swarnima reminded him of coming empty pocket for 'giving' a treat.

After the ice cream session was over Abhedya took his guitar and strummed its strings. "Sona, when I saw you singing soulfully at Mystic Grills looking absolutely stunning, I secretly hoped you sang for me, I certainly sang for you and from that day till the day I can sing... you, my love shall be my only 'muse'." Swarnima was overwhelmed by his words.

"Sona, I am sorry for ruining your birthday three years before. Your identity came out in the worst way and my ego brought out the worst in me. I and other's have tried so much but you refuse to celebrate your birthday. Sona, the death of your parents on your birthday was not your fault and you have punished the demon king DUSHYANT SINGH in the trashiest way possible. Please cut this cake and promise me that you will not punish yourself for what was not your fault." Abhedya gave Swarnima a silver knife and gestured her to cut the three-tier cake. 
Swarnima was in no state to give reasons. She knew it hurt everyone when she distanced herself on her birthday. She quietly cut the cake and fed Abhedya a piece and he did the same only after rubbing a layer of cream on her soft cheeks.

"God! No Aby. I have applied makeup today." Swarnima scolded him wiping her cheeks with tissue paper. Abhedya took the tissue from her and started to wipe the cream. What was supposed to be an act of cleaning was now a sensual act of caressing the soft and tinted red cheeks. Swarnima removed Abhedya's hand and turned her back to him. He pulled her to his chest and whispered, "We have done more, don't shy away, not today. I have plans which will go in the drain if you continue with this shy act of yours. So, help me maintain my calm." Abhedya kissed the side of her head and Swarnima leaned into him.

Abhedya excitedly took her to a table and pulled a chair for her to sit. He then opened the lids of the dishes kept on the table. Swarnima was amazed to see what lay on the table. He made all those dishes that Swarnima had cooked for him till the time they confessed their love. From sandwiches to parathas, to mud cake, to various vegetables, rice varieties etcetera etcetera.

"Aby! You didn't have to..."

Swarnima tried to object but Abhedya put his finger on her lip and asserted, "You know I love to shut your non-sense talks in a better way. But I am keeping all my restraints till... the clock strikes 12. So, my 'spring' let's just enjoy our time."

Abhedya sat next to her and they ate everything that was prepared by Abhedya. He wasn't a bad cook in fact he was very good but he had his limitations. The diner was filled with laughter and jokes, teases and touches of sarcasm. After all, they were best friends turned into lovers. The best combination.
They fought like a married couple, talked like best friends, and flirted like first love.

As the night grew darker Abhedya and Swarnima lay down on a little bed covered with a net and fairy lights hanging around. Abhedya played the movie 'Notting Hill'. The first movie they saw together. The seating was however different. The first time they saw the movie Swarnima and Abhedya had a decent distance between them. Today, Swarnima was lying with her head on Abhedya's chest and he was doing what he loved the most, combing her silky smooth hair with his long fingers.

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