45. 'Heartbreak' Changes People

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Swarnima quietly stepped inside the car and soon the car entered the huge gates of the Swarnbhoomi Palace. Was someone getting married? Swarnima thought looking at the decorations.

"It's for the welcome of the Queen and the new baby prince, my lady." Abhedya bow dramatically but Swarnima ignored him and continued looking out.

Survang opened the gates of the car. Stepping out and breathing a sigh of relief Swarnima inhaled the air which felt familiar. After months she was back and everything she called home was home. The royal band played State's Anthem, victory ballad and folk songs. A group of ladies sang auspicious songs praising the almighty and their rulers.

A large bed of fresh flowers was spread from where the car stopped to the end of the huge stairs of the main entrance of the palace. Every wall, gate and window looked like a newly wedded bride. Abhedya was impressed by the arrangements and nodded his head in approval to Survang. He forwarded his hand to Swarnima for holding but she hesitated.

'There are outsiders here' Swarnima's brain instructed and her hand involuntarily went in Abhedya's. Never has a point come in their relationship where Swarnima has shown such hesitation. Not even when she was under restrictions, not even when Abhedya was constantly fighting with her, not even when they were just junior and senior in college.

"I can't walk so many steps. Can we take the other way to the room? The stairs are less there." Swarnima requested. Abhedya smiled and picked the mother of his unborn in the cradle of his strong arms just like he picked his newlywed. Abhedya walked with ease and Nandini and Rudra who were standing at the entrance to welcome them, wiped their tears. A priest did aarti and Swarnima entered the royal palace once again.

"Welcome, my child." Nandini kissed and hugged Swarnima. They came inside to the main hall and settled on the comfortable sofas. Swarnima was looking at everything as if it was her first time in the palace. Her condition was making everyone in the room emotional.

A trolley of snacks was pulled in and a nutritious meal was served to Swarnima. She looked at the plate in her hand but could not eat a morsel. Nandini came to her and fed her with her own hands. Not only Swarnima but Nandini also felt she ate after months. She had lost her appetite since Swarnima had gone and that was visible in her appearance.

"You look weak," Swarnima spoke after a while.

"My daughter was not here and my sons were least bothered." Nandini joked to lighten the atmosphere.

"I know." Swarnima kept her reply short but her meaning was clear. She agreed to Nandini's joke in all seriousness.

"Nim, I think you should rest. Pri said she will soon run all tests for you. I have arranged the equipment here only." Rudra tried to communicate but only received a nod as an answer.

"I...I can't walk so much. The room is quite far and no! I don't want the King to carry me everywhere. Could you arrange a wheelchair for me, please?" Swarnima's strange behaviour got everybody bothered.

"I can carry you everywhere." Abhedya protested. His heart felt immense pain.

"Don't bother," Swarnima told him curtly making his pain turn to anger. A wheelchair that Pri used when she fractured her leg was immediately arranged and Swarnima was escorted to her room by staff.

"Abhey, give her time. We don't know what she is going through and what she has encountered." Nandini tried to calm Abhedya and he left to his room after calming himself.

"Fatimah, please make your arrangements in the adjoining room. If I need something I will call you." Swarnima dismissed the staff.

"Sona...," Abhedya spoke softly making Swarnima's breathing heavy. The one man who drove her insane and was the reason she was sane was so close to her. He kissed the back of her head and instantly a strange calmness flowed through their bodies.

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