34. Reality or illusion?

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The girl whose smile brightened his day and night. The girl who shined in his love. The girl whose existence was the reason he was living, that girl was standing at the top of the building opposite to where Abhedya was standing.
She was smiling, not for him.
She was shining, not because of him.
She was in the arms of a man, who was not him.

There was at least twenty feet gap between the two buildings but Abhedya could make no mistake in figuring out the girl standing in the opposite building... Swarnima. Josh was sitting on his knees saying something... like a proposal and Swarnima covered her mouth in surprise then hugged him.
"It can't be happening. It's not true. I have been mistaken. It must be a friendly joke. She...she can't cheat on me." Abhedya sweated profusely and felt uneasy. He loosened his tie and breathed heavily.

Eklavya came to the spot and enquired, "Raja sa, are you okay?"

Abhedya was in shock. He didn't reply. Eklavya was worried and asked him many times. He then shook Abhedya and he replied, "Huh? I am not feeling well. I want to go back to the palace. Escort me to the car and just sign those papers." Abhedya turned and whispered in Eklavya's ear, "DO NOT TELL SONA WE WERE HERE."
Eklavya immediately ordered two security guards to help Abhedya to the car. He sat inside and drove off.

Eklavya was shocked because minutes before Abhedya was fine then a phone call came and he excused himself and came to this spot. Eklavya was scrutinising the spot when his eyes fell on the opposite building. His eyes turned red with anger and he hit the wall so hard that it cracked. The labour, staff and engineers were petrified to question the fuming ex-protector.

Pulling his phone out Eklavya called up Swarnima and asked her to reach the palace immediately. She did. Survang drove her to the palace in speed.

Swarnima came to the gym area of the palace where Eklavya was waiting for her. He first bow in front of her in respect then asked her, "Is it possible for us to behave like teacher-student and not like queen and servant."

"Servant? What's wrong with you Eklavya. You have always been my family and never have I appreciated curtsies from you. Tell me what's wrong?" Swarnima sounded concerned.

"You know what's wrong. What you are doing is wrong. It's against rules. It's unacceptable. This marriage is impossible." Eklavya explained gritting his teeth.

"It's not wrong. What I am doing is not wrong. Who set these rules, anyway? Us? No! Everything new is first unacceptable but gradually it gets accepted. This is not just going to be a marriage, but the union of two souls. You and everyone will have to accept it. You know eloping was always an option but your 'yes' means a lot. Take that into consideration. THIS WILL HAPPEN EKLAVYA, COME WHAT MAY." Swarnima declared with determination and left challenging her teacher.

Eklavya left the gym in frustration. The only person however left in the gym was a broken husband. He could not believe what his eyes saw earlier but now, what his eyes saw and what his ears heard was proof that Swarnima had chosen for herself. Was she planning to elope with Josh?
Did she want to marry him?
Did she love him?
Sure, she did. That hug Swarnima gave was the acceptance of Josh's proposal. Old school Eklavya didn't know, divorce and second marriage were normal nowadays. She felt a soul connection with Josh, too?
What about the promises she made to him? Is it even possible for her to love someone else? She had sacrificed her entire childhood for him. Was this revenge?
"Don't jump to any conclusions Abhey. Talk to her." Abhedya's broken heart pleaded.

'Dear Raja sa,
Be ready by eight.
For a secret shall reveal and decide our fate.' Message received and read.
A map location was attached to the message.

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