3.Family engagement

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The perfect night, the perfect song, the perfect proposal, the perfect couple.
Swarnima hugged Abhedya tightly as he completed the song and he reciprocated with equal fervour. They had fought enough battles to reach this point. Battles with enemies and with each other.

"Aby, I love you. Come what may I will stand by your side even if you push me or ask me to leave, I will never leave you. I will..." Swarnima was silenced with a pair of lips. Abhedya was kissing her with anger.

"How? Like how Sona? You always find ways to ruin moments. Listen to me very carefully..." Abhedya kissed her again, grabbed her arms and with furious eyes warned her, "don't you ever- like ever think about separation. I swear Sona, I will first kill you then myself and I am dead serious." Abhedya jerked her a little and snaked his fingers in his hair in frustration.

Swarnima hugged him from behind and apologised. "Sorry, Aby. I won't ever repeat it. I am just scared of this jubilation. It doesn't last. I am trying... I am. I just want us, this moment and our love to last forever. Future is uncertain Aby. I only wanted to assure you that whatever happens, I won't leave you. Now please smile so that my heart starts beating again."

Abhedya could never be angry with Swarnima. She deserved love, not anger. But what she said scared him to the core. He handled ten years of exile and additional two years when he didn't know she was the same girl he was longing for, for years.

He turned to face her, looked into her eyes and engulfed her in his arms. The bear hug was so tight that it was suffocating and hurting Swarnima. But she didn't object. How could she? Her man wanted assurance and she couldn't deny him his peace.

Abhedya kissed Swarnima's crown, her eyes, nose, both cheeks and finally he kissed her roseate peripheries. Swarnima let Abhedya kiss her the way he wanted. He Kissed every nook and corner of her minty fresh mouth. Devouring all her juices and killing his insecurities. When Abhedya was, sure enough, he broke the kiss. The carnation glowing in front of him with swollen lips from his act made him proud of himself. The oblivious beauty was all his and she let him exercise all rights.

"I love you, Sona. Sorry about earlier. I just cannot bear the thought of separation." Swarnima put her small fingers on Abhedya's lips to stop him from talking further. An undefinable spark grew in Abhedya's eyes. He kissed Swarnima's fingers and she immediately withdrew her hand.

"Uhh! I LOVE YOU SONAaaaaa," Abhedya shouted glueing Swarnima to himself.

"I am happy Aby. This is my happy place. Just reserve it for me... till Ariel stops singing and Winnie the Pooh refuses honey." Swarnima spoke hugging back Abhedya.

"Looks like someone loves kids? Time is right, the mood is set... let's make kids. Trust me, I know the best ways," Abhedya spoke in his husky baritone sending shivers down Swarnima's skin.

She looked into his eyes and then started the famous eye lock. He could drown into her deep eyes and she always felt magic when he looked at her. The intense exchange of mute love was interfered with a phone call.

Abhedya put the phone on speaker and continued looking at Swarnima. She was with him the entire evening still he didn't have enough of her.

"Abhey, we are waiting. Come fast. Are you not done yet?" Pri's voice came from the other side along with laughter and suggestive comments from others.

"Bhui, at least you should understand what this moment means. You were the one who taught me the "ways". Now let me apply them." Abhedya winked at Swarnima who slapped his chest making him laugh in return.

"Okay... But a little something is still left. You see, I have got excited too and my husband is an old man now." Pri said casually and the entire family along with the magical couple burst out laughing.

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