4. Twitterpated

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The beautiful night and the dreamy proposal by the king of Swarnbhoomi awestruck the nation. The royals reached the palace. Abhedya and Swarnima were walking hand in hand when Rudra broke the news, "From now till the day you formally get engaged that is a day before your wedding, you cannot see each other. It will be better if video calls are avoided too. So kids... post-breakfast bid adieu to each other."

Came a collective question from the newly hitched couple.

"You are joking, right dad?" Abhedya questioned in astonishment.

"You see a smile on my face? I know it's tough but it's an age-old practice and we have to follow. You at least have the option of FaceTime we didn't have that." Rudra faked sympathy.

"I AM NOT FOLLOWING ANY SUCH STUPID RULES," Abhedya declared and dragged Swarnima towards his room. Leaving behind the fake protests and laughter of his family.

"Aby, wait." Swarnima requested him.

"I know Sona what you wanna say." Abhedya stopped and caged Swarnima in his strong arms. He caressed her face and continued, "I am not giving in to any such meaningless traditions. I won't be able to survive a minute if I don't see you. I will become 'Sharat  Chandra Chatterjee's- Devdas'. I am not letting you go to your room also. I am very sleepy now, stop arguing. I haven't slept for so many days. I need my peace."

"Awwww!" the bunch of youngsters hooted.

"I didn't know my brother would also get so cheesy and romantic. Abhey dude, you are whipped. Have some control over your wild desires. Leave Nim for a little time at least." Maan teased pulling Swarnima from Abhedya's grip.

*Wrong move, Maan!*

"Look who is talking. The one who cannot keep his sperms in his control. Your wife is pregnant for the second time in three years." Abhedya's reply was rewarded by roaring laughter from Arya and Nivedya. Maan had nothing more to say so he raised his hands in defeat.

"Guys, come for breakfast, I am sure mumma will have a solution to this problem." Tara was blushing profusely but she managed to divert the attention. Food was something the royals could never say 'no' to.

A special breakfast was served and everyone was enjoying it when suddenly baby Taran jumped from his grandfather's lap and asked "What... sperm... dada?" Randeep dropped his spoon.

He was not sure whether the toddler in his lap said what he heard so he asked him again. "What did you ask, my child?"

"Sperm," Taran repeated.

Randeep glared at Pri. He was sure it was his doctor wife who must have used such words in front of the child. "Don't look at me like that. I did not. I swear," Pri defended herself.
Rudra was the next suspect but he came out clean.

"Dada, sperm...Colour?" Taran was curious what exactly it was?

"Son, it's not something we should talk about. No... good word." Randeep tried his best to divert his grandson's attention but kids are kids.

So, he asked, "Why Aby cha said to Pa?" Taran showed his angry eyes to Abhedya who was always around his favourite 'Nim' and now he had said a bad word to his father too.

All eyes were on Abhedya. "Sorry! I was angry. And I said other things too... this monster picked up only that word. I am telling you he is wicked. He stares at me with those big eyes when I am with Sona." Abhedya put all the blame on a small baby.

*Wrong move, Abhedya*

"Alright! It seems that the tradition we thought to unfollow, must be followed now. Nim, please make sure you and Abhey don't see each other till your formal engagement." Nandini set the rule and it must be complied with. "No 'please' will be entertained, so don't attempt also."

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