25. Revelation:1

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Change! The things you love about a person, the traits you felt attracted to, may change with time.

Abhedya had loved the calmness and quietness of Swarnima. Her absolute trust and faith in their love but somewhere, he always longed to see the 'fierce lover' version of Swarnima. Who would exercise her exclusive rights on him, stop his fangirls, flirting with him and mark him in front of everybody.

Swarnima was treated with a kiss for the way she tackled Kristina.
"I love this fierce Swarnima. The way you marked your territory, I feel special and wanted. I love you, Sona." Abhedya kissed her again more deeply but he didn't receive a response that confounded him.

"Why do I need to mark my territory? I thought the day you committed to me, you told the world you were mine. If you keep your 'friends' in check I will not have to do what I just did. I trust you completely but the way that girl clings to you, you and me both know is not acceptable under 'moral' grounds. You questioned a friendly hug of mine and that girl sits on your lap for comfort?" Swarnima scoffed and continued, "Aby, clear out things with her. Don't lead her like you have led girls in the past."

The romantic ambience just got bitter. "What do mean Sona? I had a free lifestyle before you came into my life. I never touched a girl without her permission, never made any false promises. If they thought otherwise that was not my problem." Abhedya raised his hands and objected.

"What do you expect any girl to think? You let her sit on your lap in front of your wife, she kisses you fervently in front of your entire family, you carry her to the hospital in your arms. What will any sane person take as a hint? Either you are very liberal or there is something scandalous." Swarnima tried to explain Abhedya implications of his actions.

"SONA! What do you mean? You know that there is nothing between us. Fuck! She does not even believe in love. You are just behaving like a jealous wife and blowing things out of proportion." Abhedya pointed a finger at Swarnima.

"You know I don't feel jealous, I am just being protective. We are no ordinary people. We are the king and queen of a state and have to maintain a moral ground. Aby try to understand that. Rest is your choice." Swarnima was trying hard to put sense in Abhedya.

"Protective? My foot! I know what I am doing. Never in my three years of rule has a finger been raised on me. So, my ex protector save your and my time and don't bother. I just felt good to see you all possessive over me, guess you won't understand that feeling." Abhedya threw his shoes, opened his t-shirt and jumped in bed.

"Aby, I was just making you see things from a different perspective. She is your friend, I get it. That does not give her the right barge into our room and run after you. I know you liked the all possessive me fighting for you but you loved me for my understanding and trust in you. Have the grounds changed already?
I have fought enough, now, what's mine is just mine. You have time till tomorrow morning to explain that to your friend else I am damn good at explaining. Goodnight." Swarnima went to change her dress which did not receive a verbal compliment.

Abhedya did not respond to her, his tired self refrained from further arguments. Maybe Swarnima was right in a way. However troubled Kristina was and whatever her motive is, she cannot just get 'physical' with him.
Out of all bitter things, Swarnima's statement 'what's mine is just mine' stuck in his brain and he felt treasured.
He couldn't think anymore, sleep took over and Swarnima slept on the lounge again. She had always disliked Abhedya's habit of leading girls directly or indirectly. Besides, he did not ask her to sleep beside him since yesterday. Was that even required? Maybe not. But Swarnima was disturbed and her sane capacity to think finished with the argument she supplied.

Early morning at about six the bell of their room rang and Swarnima rubbed her sleepy eyes. No one has ever bothered them so early in the morning. It could be an emergency? Tara! She was expecting. Taran? He was just a kid. Various thoughts running into her mind. Removing the stardust in her eyes she opened the gate to the unwanted visitor.

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