28. Miss you!

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The room was silent but it was not an eerie silence. Swarnima got a wander off from the episode and she was concentrating on the project again. She did not ask Abhedya again to take Josh's side because she knew Abhedya was unaware of the truth and it would be inappropriate to ask him to choose sides between Eklavya and her.

"I think we should get ready. I need the dressing room can you get dressed in the room?" Swarnima asked Abehdya and he nodded. He got his clothes out. Swarnima felt bad watching him gloomy. She was not in the best of spirits. Only if she could say 'let's forget what happened and move ahead'. All problems between them will settle but she couldn't say that. It was a breach of trust and it was unforgivable until Abhedya builds the fort of trust, faith and respect, again.

"I have got my clothes and other accessories, you can change in the dressing room. Let me know if you need help I'll call some staff." Abhedya was talking as if they were distant and not even friends. "Could you help me with the tie once you are done? I swear this one is tough to knot."

"Yes, sure," Swarnima agreed and went to the dressing room. It was almost after an hour Swarnima walked out of the dressing room adjusting her ruby bracelet. "I am ready Aby let's..." Swarnima could not complete her sentence because standing in front of her was pulchritudinous. Abhedya looked suave and exquisite in his blue blazer and blue pants with a white button-up shirt.

A similar reaction was from Abhedya who was bewitched by the beauty standing in his luxurious room. Wearing a baby pink georgette saree with heavy Gotta work and a matching blouse in three-four sleeves. Abhedya loved his wife for her conservative clothing. He wouldn't spare those hawks who would gawk at his wife. She was indeed the most gorgeous lady in the entire galaxy.

The bell of their room rang and the royal couple dropped their stare game. Abhedya cleared his throat and took in the air before opening the door. He came back to the room when he saw Swarnima checking herself in the mirror.

It was then he saw the back of her blouse was low cut and her sexy back was shining with shimmer. So much for conservative clothing. Damn! That made her look hot. If only he could touch it and ignite the spark. If only, he could stroll his fingers on the smooth surface. If only, he could kiss the shimmery spine. If only, he could... Abhedya put his thoughts aside and asked, "You do love these cookies, don't you? I have seen you munching them now and then." Abhedya voiced out his observation.

"Yes. I love them. You should try them too." Swarnima suggested to him. "You want me to help you with your tie?" Swarnima could see he had already worn his tie but was hopeful if he wanted a different pattern.

"I guess this is fine. What do you think?" Abhedya straightened his suit and asked through the mirror.

Swarnima was sad and angry. Why? She didn't know.
"If he didn't want any help he should have not mentioned it." Swarnima's heart argued.
"You turned him down in the morning. He must have feared the same. Why will he ask?" Her brain reasoned.

"Shall we go?" Abhedya asked breaking her chain of thoughts.

"He did not even say a word about how you look?" Swarnima's heart chided.
"You expect him to say? Why don't you tell him how drool-worthy he looks today." Her brain teased.

Swarnima had no clue why Abhedya was behaving so cold. He did say he will try and mend things between them. Why was he playing on the back foot? She always loved his cocky romantic side. She missed him. Did she overreact or was Kristina correct in her analysis and was successful in parting them. Parting would mean her last minute on earth. She couldn't survive a minute without Abhedya.

"Sona, where are you lost? Come." Abhedya called her again and she walked quietly with her contradictory thoughts. As soon as they closed the door of their room Abhedya took her hand in his with love and whispered in her ear, "Missed me already, wifey?" Swarnima looked at him in surprise and he winked at her. "What? Don't look so surprised. I know you were waiting for a compliment? You were wanting to do my tie. You wanted to come close to me and bid adieu to the dinner. But, I have learnt to keep my promises. I will keep within my boundaries inside the room till the negativity goes out."

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