30) Destined to be together

617 27 145

31st December, 2020

Time: 6 am

Zen groans in bed as he nuzzles closer to his sleeping husband, not wanting to get up just yet. And he does not want to see his mother too.

He is about to fall asleep once again and his alarm starts to beep loudly. He lets out another loud groan and turns it off hurriedly, not wanting to disturb Kai's sleep. Guess he'll have to wake up now.

He gets up and covers Kai properly with the duvet and continues his morning routine. Please, God, don't let his mother see Kai.

Maya doesn't know that Kai is here or she would've camped their room last night and Zen didn't want that. No, they didn't do anything naughty. He just wanted some peace and alone time with his husband.

He gets ready in his casual clothes and is about to open his laptop when Maya walks in. her eyes go wide when she sees Kai sleeping on the bed and is about to squeal when Zen puts his finger on his lips, his eyes firm, effectively shutting her up.

She says a quite oops and sits besides Zen on the sofa and starts whispering.

"Why didn't you tell me Kai is here?"

"Well, don't answer. I know why. You wanted him all to yourself." She answers herself. Zen rolls his eyes but doesn't say anything in return, thus confirming her answer is true.

"You're needed outside. Dad is already here, watching decorators like a hawk. Uncle and aunt will arrive in two hours."

"The event is at night. Why am I needed now?" now it's Maya's turn to roll her eyes at her brother's words.

"Don't behave like a kid, Zen. You know you need to monitor the preparations. Kai is going nowhere. You just have to make sure everything is being prepared according to the schedule and then you'll be back in this room, hogging Kai. Simple. Just lock the door when you leave. Better not have mom seeing him. Oh, by the way, why did Mom go to Kai's house last night?"

Oh god, she talks too much! Zen chad the urge to cover his ears. Can't blame Maya. She's just as nervous as Zen and Kai. She heard Boonsri asking the driver to take her to Kai's address and didn't waste a second in informing Zen. She knew her mother was up to something.

"Mom made sure that Kai and I get divorced but failed, obviously." Zen answers nonchalantly whereas Maya freezes on her spot.

"Wha- what did she do?" she's trying hard not to yell.

"Told Kai's parents that I treat him poorly, got him in jail, etcetera, etcetera."

"That woman needs to be punched in the face." Zen doesn't know whether to laugh or stop Maya from badmouthing their mother.

"And she got the divorce papers ready which I tore down, of course."

Maya is now ready to throw hands. Well, she shouldn't be surprised. She already knew her mother is a pathetic person who can do anything to get what she wants.

"When you leave the room, lock the door. I don't want mom to disturb my brother in law's beauty sleep." Zen chuckles and nods in agreement. Kai better has all the rest he can today. Can't say anything about tonight.

Zen walks out of the room along with Maya and locks the door. Kai is going to be so mad when he wakes up.

He texted Kai that he'll be back soon. For safety measures.

It's been now thirty minutes now and Zen is still busy talking to the event manager and making sure all the work is getting done on time. They can't take any chance for this event. It's is very important for their business and personal life too.

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