31.2) Attack and repercussions

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Keit reaches the door and pauses as an old woman, Dean's grandmother comes out of the ER with a teary smile on her face. A hand is placed on his shoulder from behind by Keit's dad who ushers Keit inside when Ratri steps aside the ER, preventing a conversation from happening between the two individuals who were looking at each other a mere second ago.

The door is closed behind Keit but the boy cannot tear his gaze away from the bed in which his boyfriend lies, a tear trickling down his eye.

"Keit." A silent whisper is heard and Keit goes running towards Dean and stands next to him, fidgeting, barely stopping himself from wrapping his arms around Dean. The injured boy doesn't turn his face to look at his boyfriend who came to pay him a visit, he just stares at nothing in front of him.

"Deano" a sob escapes Keit's lips as he drops on the chair next to Dean's bed. His heart shatters into pieces as he looks at Dean all bandaged up, wires and tubes connected to his body and the oxygen mask on him. His poor Deano. Dean's face is swollen and bruised up and Keit knows that his body is also in the same condition. Keit gulps, trying to reign in another sob and wipes his tears away and giving a smile to his boyfriend.

"I am so happy you're okay. I knew you won't leave me alone like this and you proved me right." Keit hesitantly reaches out towards Dean's face and wipes the tear that slid down his eye, wetting the bandage wrapped around his head.

"I- I have a good n- news to tell you. Your parents accepted our relationship. You're surprised right? Right, Deano?" Keit tries to make a conversation. He continues when he doesn't get any response.

"Uncle and Auntie are so smart. They already had an idea about us be- because they noticed how whipped you're for me. I- I mean, I am whipped for you too. I just love you so much and sometimes want to attach myself to you with a glue but then again, that will be downright psychotic." Keit lets out a teary laugh, snot coming out from his nose which he wipes away with his sleeves.

"But I don't think you'll mind me doing that. You'll love it. Right na?" Keit's lip wobbles when he gets no reply and his chest constricts. Why is Dean not replying?

"Right na, Deano?" he chokes out, tears now freely flowing down his cheeks and that's when Dean slowly turns his head towards him and stares at the crying boy, his own eyes getting wet from the unshed tears. He raises his hand slowly, trying to reach Keit's face. Keit is quick to take hold of Dean's hand gently and places it on his cheek, leaning on it.

"You okay?" Dean breathes out and his oxygen mask gets foggy, making Keit tear up once again. His Dean doesn't deserve to be in this situation.

"I am perfectly fine now that you are awake." Keit replies and kisses the palm of Dean's hand that is resting against his cheek.

"I love you." Keit smiles at Dean's proclamation and mumbles an I love you more.

"Deano, are you in pain?" Keit wants to smack himself as soon as the question leaves his lips. Of course, he's in pain! What a dumb question, Keit.

"No, baby. I'm fine." Dean tries to speak clearly and his voice comes out groggy.

"Shh, Dean. Don't pressure yourself into speaking. Just rest na. Tell me if you need anything." Keit cresses Dean's hair ever so softly and stops when he notices the absence of hair visible on Dean's head. He frowns and leans in to see it clearly and then realizes that the back of Dean's head is shaved because of the stitches they put there.

Keit leans back and kisses Dean's hand once again.

"You'll recover soon. I'll take care of you."

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