11) Brewing Troubles

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This week has been rough on both Zen and Kai. It is really hard for them to hide their marriage from their guests. Boonsri is not leaving a single chance to get Zen and Jesse together.

A few days back, Zen got home a little late from the office and Kai was on a video conference with the members of the placement department of the college. Many big companies are already reaching out to the college for recruitment purposes and they were discussing when to schedule all the placement drives.

Kai didn't know that Zen was back. When he talked to Zen on call that day, he could tell that he was stressed. Boonsri made Jesse cook dinner for him. She stopped him at the entrance and asked him to have dinner first before going to his room. Zen was very tired and his head was throbbing with pain so he didn't argue.

Jesse sat beside him and served him dinner trying to make small talk. Zen was in no mood to speak to anyone but he couldn't be rude to her so he just hummed and smiled at whatever she said.

Kai came down to refill the water jug, he was in his night attire, his silver, silk pajamas. The smooth material resting comfortably against his skin. He was taken aback when he saw his husband and the woman who intends to marry him sitting side by side on the dining table. They both look so domesticated. Kai felt a pang of pain in his heart. He should be the one sitting beside Zen, feeding him the food he cooked not some woman whom he barely knows.

Zen looked disheveled. Kai could tell that he was worn out and wanted to sleep. He did not like the frown on Zen's face. It was like he was still thinking about whatever made him so stressed.

"You're back." Kai spoke up, wanting to make his presence known. Zen looked up and beamed at the sight of his husband. All the stress vanished from his face as he watched Kai approach him. Jesse was not so happy having Kai disturb her alone time with Zen but she didn't say anything. She couldn't.

Kai took a seat beside Zen on the other side of the dining table and gave a very sweet smile to Jesse. "You can go back to your room now. I will make sure he eats the whole thing." Jesse was taken off guard at Kai's words. What is she supposed to say? Okay? No? what? Boonsri clearly said to be with Zen until he completes his dinner and try to get him open up to her.

"He's right. You should go back to your room. Thank you for the delicious dinner." Zen gave her a polite smile. Jesse had no other option but just to suck it up and go back to her room. She wished both of them good night and left with a heavy heart.

"Don't be so tensed, na. leave your office problems there only." Kai ran his fingers over Zen's cheek and then ran his thumbs over his forehead making Zen close his eyes. "Tough day, huh." Zen only nodded. "Should I prepare some tea for you?" Kai asked as he pressed a loving kiss on his husband's forehead. "Yeah, that will be good." Zen mumbled and started eating hurriedly. He just wanted to go to bed now. Kai offered to carry his office bag after he was done eating which he stubbornly refused.

Kai asked him to take a shower while he prepared chamomile tea for him. Boonsri was looking at the scene, hiding behind a pillar as disgust crawled up her entire being. She took an oath to make her son realize that this marriage will bring nothing but a bad name to the family. A man cannot love a man. What all goes around the minds of this generation can not change the truth. It is against the nature. She will make her son see the truth one day.

One day, Kai was in the staff room when he got a call from Maya informing him that a cute woman came to the office to give lunch to Zen. Kai wanted to storm back to the house and slap the holy hell out of Boonsri. How the hell did Narong, his father in law married such a wretched woman like her, he will never know.

Kai never had the chance to interact with him much but whenever he did, Narong was always respectful towards him. He never made Kai feel small. He treats him the same way as he treats Zen. Like a father treats his son.

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