17) What Just Happened?

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Keit feels a painful throb in his heart as he watches Dean walk away with his friends. He can't tell whatever Dean said was just an act or they were his actual thoughts. No, what is he thinking? Dean can never think like this. It's all and act! Just an act!

"Keit, are you okay?" Flora's soft voice reach his ears and he turn towards her, giving her a nod. Her hand reaches out and wipes away the lone tear that dropped down on his cheek. Keit hurriedly packs all his things and makes a run to get out of the library. His friends following him. He increases his pace as he hears a few people snickering behind him.

Mitch holds Keit's hand as soon as they exit the library and asks his friends to go to his room. As soon as they reach there and Mitch closes the door behind him, Keit breaks down and starts sobbing.

Mitch holds him in a comforting hug while Flora and Theo rub his back, trying to calm him down.

"It's okay, Keit. Don't mind them we all know our seniors are assholes." Theo speaks with a bitterness in his voice which makes Flora look at him in question. It's like Theo is speaking from personal experience. She shakes her head considering it as Theo's worry and affection for Keit.

"Keit, will you be okay? You can stay here for tonight, considering that Dean just lives in the room across yours. What if he decides to harm you?"

"WHAT?" Flora and Theo scream when they hear from Mitch that Dean is Keit's neighbor. Keit sighs inwardly and gives them a nod feeling guilty of hiding this from their friends.

"That hot man is your neighbor and you hid this from us?" Flora screams and her eyes widen when she realizes what she just said. The three boys present there look at her wide eyed. Specially Keit.

"So, you were secretly drooling over Mister hot Wongsuwan." Theo teases her and Keit's eyes snap towards him. Mister what now?

"You all are drooling over him." Keit says, still sniffling but heart feeling a little lighter as his friends continue to tease each other about having a crush on Dean.

"Yo, If I were a woman, I'd definitely fall for him." Mitch shrugs on which Flora and Theo hooted making Keit laugh. The three friends grin when they hear Keit's teary laughter. Keit remains with his friends till night time as they make small chit chat and do resume their physics assignment.


Dean wants nothing more than to slap the holy hell out of Weston. He was working on a report for his upcoming project presentation with his gang and Weston went to get a book. Oh, how he regrets sending Weston. He should've gone himself!

That asshole saw Mitch and came grinning back to the table telling that "The brat and his friends" are here and he wants to teach them a lesson. Obviously, Stephanie said she wants to go with him and for Keit's safety, Dean tagged along. He did say that Keit is his target and he had no other option than to humiliate his baby. Better than having Archie whoop Keit's ass.

Now his heart is somersaulting in his chest thinking about Keit. He saw how Keit tried to hold in his tears and that was the moment when Dean wanted to kill himself. He made his baby cry yet again.

He wants to run back to him to the dorm room and take Keit in his arms and plead for forgiveness. If this is giving him immense pain, how the hell will her able to continue with the act?

Ohm is looking at Dean and questioning him with his eyes. Ohm knew it will not go well when Stephanie, Weston and Dean made their way towards the juniors table. He feels bad for his friend. He understands why Dean and Keit have to do this. He knows what will happen if they come out as a gay couple. People here are not accepting of homosexual relationship. It is considered a taboo. It is frowned upon.

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