Epilogue- Dean and Keit❤

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"Come on, baby. Don't be mad."

Dean is trying to persuade his very angry boyfriend to go on a week-long trip with him.

Keit is at his home, in his bedroom, lying stomach down on his bed and Dean is trying to pull him up by his waist and Keit is resisting it as hard as he can.

Why is Keit angry?

Dean has finally graduated from college and Keit has entered his final year. All this started during Dean's graduation ceremony.


Flashback- Graduation ceremony

Preeda and Somchai are sitting among other parents, their chest puffed with pride as they look at the name and photograph of their son on a big banner.

Dean Wongsuwan

(Bachelor of Technology topper, All Branches)

There is someone who is as proud of Dean as his parents, if not more and that person is none other than Keit Wadisaran. He is jumping up and down backstage, waiting for Dean to get down from the stage with his trophy and certificate. He is standing with other branch toppers, smiling for the photographs.

A very surprised Theo is standing next to him whose boyfriend, yes, boyfriend topped the Mechanical Engineering. When he found out about it, he screamed. He didn't know Archie is that good at studying and he is so proud of him. Archie asked Theo to be his boyfriend at the end of the junior's second year and Theo said yes.

"Keit, this feels so weird."

Keit looks at Theo in confusion.

"What feels weird?"

"That our boyfriends are freaking toppers and we're dum dums."

Keit looks at Theo with a pout. This wasn't the time to bring this shit up!

"I know. We barely come in the category of an average student." He agrees anyway. It's the truth so why not?


Keit looks at Theo pointedly.

"What's the deal with you today? You look way too nervous."

Theo starts fidgeting, wondering if he should tell Keit or not.

"Come on, just tell me!" Keit is as curious as ever and wants to know what is troubling his friend.

"I'm nervous. So nervous." Theo is not meeting Keit's eyes.


"I- uh- I have a surprise planned for Archie."

"Oh, so you're worried if he'll like it or not. I understand. What's the surprise?"

Theo turns red at Keit's question and then it strikes Keit. Theo IS the surprise.

"Oh my god!" Keit squeals so loud that his voice reaches the stage

"Shh, Keit!" Theo scolds him and turns away, ready to leave when Keit grabs his arm.

"Sorry, sorry. I just got excited. That's it." Keit whispers and Theo sighs.

"Don't worry, Theo. Everything will go smoothly. I understand your nervousness. I do but if you're truly ready, it'll all be okay. Are you really ready?"

"Yes. I am so ready." Theo doesn't hesitate for a single second. "But, it's just that, I'm scared that it'll be painful. What if Archie doesn't like me that way? Like.. in a sexual way?" Theo asks, fiddling with his fingers.

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