9) Show A Little Loving

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Keit giggles on the phone, lying on his stomach on his bed. He is on a conference call with Mitch, Theo, Flora and Achara. Achara Sitwat is Flora's roommate. Flora introduced her to the gang this evening itself. She is in section B and says she'll introduce them to her friends the next day.

Achara swoons over the new Personality Development professor who took their last lecture. Flora whines about how unfair it is that he did not have a lecture in section A. Keit teases her and Mitch and Theo join in.

A gasp escapes Keit's lips when he feels someone wrapping his arms around his stomach and hovering over him. He melts into the touch and closes his eyes for a second. "Guys, I'll talk to you later." He cuts the call without waiting for their response.

"Baby." Keit turns around and is now face to face with Dean who looks exhausted. He wraps his arms around his neck and Dean bends down to capture his lips. Their lips move in sync but Keit has a feeling that Dean is holding himself back. He needs to do something about this.

Keit bites Dean's lower lips and nibbles on it, arching his back and scratching at the back of Dean's shirt, asking for more. Dean understands. He increases his pace. He bites Keit's lips in return, asking for entrance which is given to him without any resistance.

It's a series of vigorous sucking and biting. They get breathless.

"I love you baby." Dean says as he buries his face in Keit's neck. Keit tangles his fingers in Dean's hair.

"I love you too." Keit says, breathing heavily.

"Is there something bothering you?" he asks when Dean does not say anything. Dean gets up and rests his back against the headboard, pulling Keit beside him, embracing him in his arms.

"Do you trust me, Keit?"

"Yes." Keit answers instantly. No need to think. He trusts Dean with his life.

"Why didn't you tell me that Stephanie gave you a stupid challenge?" Keit gulps. He knows.

"I wanted to prove that I can handle stuff on my own and that I'm not a coward. I didn't want to worry you." He says, making puppy eyes, knowing full well that Dean can't resist them.

"You little devil." Dean says and grabs Keit, settling him on his lap. Keit is facing Dean and wraps his arms around his shoulders and Dean's hands rest around Keit's waist securely.

"Don't hide stuff from me, baby, please. You and your safety are my responsibility and I take it very seriously." Keit nuzzles his chest apologetically and Dean caresses his back.

"My friends are getting suspicious, Keit." Keit looks at his face with a scared expression.

"What? Why?"

"They are questioning me why I keep protecting you and taking your side. If they get more suspicious, I know they will not rest until they find out. Stephanie has turned into a complete bitch and Weston is also proving to be a problem."

"Now what to do?" Keit clutches Dean's shirt tightly.

"Baby, if I scold you or say anything mean, please don't take it to your heart. We'll have to put up an act. I'll have to prove that we don't get along well, then only they'll leave you alone."

"Is it necessary?" Keit's voice wobbles. Dean cups his cheek and nods remorsefully. "I'm sorry Keit." Keir buries his face in Dean's chest as he rocks him gently. Dean hates that he'll have to do this but he has no other choice. He doesn't know how he will do this. He never yelled at Keit. He never even got angry with him and now he has to treat him badly so that his friends don't bully him.

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