Let the game begin- Part 2

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Dean opens the door of his dorm room, expecting to see Keit sitting on the bed, reading his notes but finds the room empty. Hmm, must be with his friends.

He hears the shower running and comes to know that Keit is in there. He puts his bag away and lops up on the bed, mentally preparing himself for having that conversation with Keit. He knows Keit is going to be furious. It wasn't supposed to be this big of a matter but because of Dean's dumb decision to hide it from Keit, the situation exploded and THEY FREAKING BROKE UP! It was never supposed to happen!

A beautiful voice broke him out of his inner turmoil.

"Dean, are you there?"

"Yes, baby." He abruptly stands up and makes his way to the bathroom door and stops outside.

"Erm, I forgot the towel." Dean understands what Keit is saying and fetches a towel for him. Dean looks away when Keit opens the door a little. He knows Keit will not appreciate him drooling at his naked form. If Keit doesn't want Dean to look at him, he will not.

"Thank you." Keit mumbles and closes the door again.

Dean sits back on the bed, impatiently biting his nails when he hears the tap running inside the bathroom. Keit is taking a bath again? Here he is dying in nervousness because he has to talk to Keit and Keit is busy doing his skin care today! Dean wants to shout at Keit to come out but he holds himself back.

Keit comes out of the bathroom after fifteen minutes, looking pale. It's good that he is already dressed. He plops down on the bed face first, ignoring Dean.

"Keit, baby, are you okay?" Dean asks, his voice laced with concern. He pulls Kiet up and makes him sit properly on the bed. Keit has no energy left to fight Dean so he lets him do whatever he wants.

"Say something, Keit." Dean sits besides Keit and pulls Keit in his arms so that Keit's head is resting on his chest. His poor baby looks so sick. What happened suddenly? He was okay at the library.

"Stomach problem." Keit mumbles and buries his face in Dean's inviting chest, seeking comfort. Hey, it's not Keit's fault. He is not well and Dean is offering to comfort him and he can't say no because he is too nice to decline Dean anything. Not that he needs Dean. It's Dean's fault and Keit is not be blamed for anything!

Dean sighs and caresses Keit's back. Keit's stomach starts troubling him whenever he is scared or nervous.

"Baby, is it because of the photograph?" Keit doesn't reply, just holds on to Dean tighter and Dean gets his answer. He places a small peck on Keit's head and tightens his hold in return.

"I'll go get some porridge for you."

"No Ne-" Keit is about to decline when there is a knock on the door, interrupting him. Dean gets up from the bed, wondering who the heck it is at this time.

He opens the door and is surprised to see Mitch standing outside with a small polybag in his hand. He raises his eyebrow in question.

"I- uh- I got some porridge for Keit. He wasn't feeling well after we left the study session." Mitch explains. Dean nods and walks inside, leaving the door open. Mitch stands there wondering if he is supposed to step inside or walk away.

"Mitch, why are you standing outside?" comes Keit's weak voice and Mitch finally steps inside the room. Dean has prepared a bowl and asks Mitch to handover the porridge to him.

"Go, sit with your friend." Dean says and turns away, pouring porridge in the bowl. Why is this guy's face so cold? The hell! Mitch wonders as he makes his way to Keit and sits next to him. Keit gives him a weak smile.

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