21) Everything is falling apart

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Dean runs in full speed and bangs open Keit's door which was unlocked and slumps down against the door when he sees a shocked Keit looking at him in confusion. Dean is still slumped against the door, breathing heavily as his head feels like it's about to explode. Tears come to his eyes as feels relieved that his love is okay.

He grabs his own hair and closes his eyes. It's okay, it's okay. Keit is fine. Nothing happened to him. After reassuring himself he stands up and runs towards a still confused Keit who is just frozen on his spot.

Dean takes Keit in his arms and presses intense kisses all over his face. Keit senses Dean's agitation so he doesn't say anything and allows Dean to shower him in affection.

"Thank God you're okay, baby." He says and takes Keit's lips in an urgent kiss. Keit doesn't even get a chance to breathe as Dean ravages his lips. Keit just holds on until Dean gets satisfied. A small peck is placed again and Dean finally releases the younger boy's lips.

"Wh- what happened?" Keit manages to ask after taking deep breathes for a few seconds. Dean wipes the remains of tears from Keit's face as his face gets wet with his own.

"I was so scared, baby." Dean whispers and pecks Keit's forehead. "Why were you crying, baby?" Dean finally asks and Keit bursts out crying. It makes Dean panic.

"What happened? Did someone do anything to you? Are you in any trouble?" he asks to which Keit shakes his head in denial.

"Ella" he says and starts crying. Keit is not in the condition to complete his sentence. Dean wipes away his tears and makes him sit on the bed and fetches a glass of water for the crying boy.

Keit chugs down the water and takes deep breaths. Dean sits beside him without saying anything. After Keit calms down, he starts speaking.

"It's Ella. My friend. She's the one who died." Keit says, a fresh trail of tears falling down his cheeks. Dean's eyes widen as he is left shell shocked.

Dean shifts a little closer to Keit and embraces him. Loss of a friend is very painful.

"They leaked her pictures and videos, Dean!" Keit wails in Dean's arms making Dean's heart ache. That girl didn't deserve this. No one does. Dean closes his eyes and holds Keit, letting him cry and grieve his friend's death.


Kai gets back home with tears in his eyes. His aching for the girl whose dead body he saw getting wheeled out from her dorm room. His eyes close in pain as he remembers the red stains on the shroud of that young life which is now no more.

Zen smiles and rushes to hug his husband. He planned to take him out for a surprise dinner but now, looking at Kai's ashen face and teary eyes, he freezes on his spot for a second and then rushes towards him.

Kai lets himself limp in Zen's arms and nuzzles his neck, trying hard not to let the tears fall. "Kai? What happened?" Zen asks worriedly and rubs Kai's back to calm him down a little.

Kai has been so strong for everyone for the past few hours but now he can't continue the act anymore. He has now reached his safe place where he can be vulnerable and still safe. In Zen's arms.

"A first year student died today, Zen. She killed herself." Kai sniffles as Zen freezes for a few moments, taking in what Kai just said. He then guides Kai to the bed after locking the door and sits beside his grieving husband.

"That's.. terrible." Zen doesn't know what else to say.

Kai just nestles himself in Zen's arms and stays like that for almost 15 minutes. They both sit in complete silence as Zen rakes his hands through Kai's hair. "Why are you back early?" Kai asks, looking up at Zen, his head resting on Zen's shoulder.

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