16) Changing Dynamics

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Zen holds Kai tight in his embrace at night like he is holding on to his lifeline. After Kai's meltdown Zen took him to bed and ordered the kitchen staff to bring their dinner to the room. They have intercom so that they can easily contact the house help.

Kai protested but Zen put his foot down and said he needs to eat to improve his health.

Now they both are lying on the bed, entangled in each-others' arms. All the lights are off and the room is dimly illuminated by the white glow of the moon. Zen's thoughts are going haywire. He cannot believe that Amira dared to raise her hand on Kai. His Kai was in danger because of that woman. He can't let it go. He just can't. She will have to pay for her sins. Zen vows to make her pay. She'll regret that she ever raised her hand on Kai.

He is not a cruel person but something inside him is telling him that this is the time to set an example. This is the time to tell people what will happen if they mess with his person. His Kai.

He comes out of his train of thoughts when Kai snuggles closer to him burying his face in Zen's neck. Zen gently caresses Kai's hair, admiring his sleeping form. His beautiful brown skin is shining in the moonlight giving him an ethereal look. Zen cannot believe that this perfect human being belongs with him.

His perfect Kai.

On the other hand, Boonsri cannot sleep at all. The cold look her son gave her keeps flashing in front of her eyes and the words screamed by her daughter are still ringing in her ears as she keeps on twisting and turning on her bed.

Her husband will not come home tonight so she cannot share her thoughts with anyone. Not that he will understand her. He never did. He is the one who supported Maya when she was being a brat about her marriage. The result is in front of her now. That girl has lost all her morals and values. How could she speak to her mother like that?

Society frowns upon such girls. No respect for the family name, no respect for parents. Maya is a lost cause. She shakes her head. She cannot believe how her daughter turned out to be like this.

Zen is such a good son but he also defied her today because of that boy. That boy has caused numerous problems. He is the root cause of all the unhappiness in Zen's life. Because of him her family will be a laughing stock in front of everybody.

She hopes and prays that her son soon comes out of the mirage where he can love someone of the same gender. She herself will not stop trying to make her son see the reality. No matter how much Zen will hate her for separating him and Kai but one day he will understand that she did it for his own betterment.

She remains awake for the whole night thinking about this. She has an uneasy feeling in her heart and decided to check on her son. She feels like he is growing apart from her.

She gets out of her bed and makes her way up the stairs towards Zen's room and stops in front of the closed door. She turns the handle without any regards of the privacy of the couple sleeping inside the room. She never considered them a couple ad probably never will. What do they need privacy for?

She silently opens the door and the sight that greets her makes he freeze on the spot. There is enough light in the room for her to make out the two figures sleeping together in each other's arms.

Boonsri feels the bile rise up in her throat as she swiftly closes the door and hurries towards her room. She feels disgusted. How can Zen sleep while holding Kai so intimately? Isn't he repulsed by this?

She opens the bedroom windows and takes deep calming breath but it didn't help stop the disgust crawling up her skin. It registers in her mind that Zen and Kai are not just married on paper. They lead a life of a married couple. The kind of life that should only be of a husband and a wife.

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