23) Let the game begin- Part 1

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"I don't know what is wrong with you. You are the one who kicked Kai out. It was your own decision and now you are roaming around in the office like a ticking time bomb ready to explode anytime." Maya slams her hand on the office table in Zen's office.

When Zen entered the building this morning, everyone could feel the deadly aura surrounding him. He has scolded more than a dozen employees today. Two were on the verge of crying and this didn't help their case at all. Maya knows all this is happening because of what happened during that cursed dinner with the Andersons.

Zen didn't speak to anyone after he came back alone. Maya couldn't believe what she saw. She knew that Zen left Kai at his home. She was furious and wanted to slap the daylights out Zen but her father stopped her. Zen wouldn't have done anything reckless like that if her mother didn't start a crying episode in front of the Andersons. Kai also shouldn't have said all those things in front of such important people.

It's been a week now and Zen is getting worse day by day. He is avoiding going back home. He sleeps in the bedroom he has in his office. He is not ready to talk to their father. She needs to intervene now or Zen will end up exploding and she'd rather not know the consequences.

Now here she is, sitting in her brother's office, trying to knock some sense into him. He is just sitting still, glaring at her angrily.

"Didn't you hear what he said to mom? And what the hell do you mean I kicked Kai out? I didn't! I just want him to stay with his parents for a few days so that we can finish this deal peacefully. You know mom will not leave any chance to poke Kai and that will hurt him more. I just want him away from the drama."

Maya lets out a dry laugh and leans back on the chair.

"Do you even hear yourself? What you did to Kai is so wrong and insulting on so many levels. You didn't stop the cause of the problem. What's the cause? Mom! She is the one who always bullies my poor brother Kai. You just punished Kai for having enough of her shit and reacting. This is what you give to Kai for compromising so much in this marriage? Do you really love him?"

"What the fuck do you mean? Of course, I love him! He knows that Mom is like this still he blew up one of the most important dinners of our lives. I am not blaming him. I understand he couldn't handle it. I just sent him away so that we don't have to go through the same situation again." Zen cannot believe Maya just asked him that and is heaving in anger.

"This is the stupidest excuse I've ever heard and what did you just say? You understand that he couldn't handle it? You don't understand anything Zen and you never will because Kai has never asked you to do anything for him which will make you feel inferior." Maya can't believe her brother can be so stupid.

"Why are you acting as if I don't know what all Kai has done for this marriage?"

"You know what he has done but you can't understand how painful it is for him to do what he did. Just put yourself in his shoes. Imagine Kai telling you to not acknowledge your marriage because it will taint his and his family's reputation. Imagine media always shipping him with different women. He tolerated so much, Zen and now you just sent him away as if it's not a big deal." Zen's clenches his fist at the mere thought of Kai being with someone else.

"Didn't you hear what he said to mom? Is it my fault that I got angry?" it is now Zen who slams his hand on the table.

"Okay, I admit he blew up at the wrong place, wrong time but don't you remember what mom was doing? You are his husband. He loves you and mom was making plans about YOUR marriage and your future kids WITH SOMEONE ELSE. How do you expect him to behave?" Maya says animatedly, focusing on certain words.

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