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We finally stepped into the New Year with so many hopes and ambitions. 2020 has not been good to us but has taught us many life lessons.

Life is short. We never know what happens the next moment so we should try to celebrate the life we have now. If we are in a tough situation, we should not lose hope. We should keep trying and we'll make it through.

I am so glad we all made it out alive and my prayers go to the ones who lost their loved ones.

There is so much I have to say but I can't seem to find the right words.

I want to thank you all, my lovely readers for giving me and my story a chance. Thank you for being a part of this small and lovely family. I love and cherish you all. 

@NicoleDavisXoxo You have always supported me, encouraged me and made me believe in myself. The story has come this forward because of you. I would've dropped it a long time ago but you cheered up whenever this thought struck my mind. Thank you for loving me and my boys. I always feel so happy when I see that you do connect to the characters and love them. Your love for Kai is so sweet, it touches my heart. I'm glad you like him, Korn, Keit and kinda Dean and Zen too?😂 and consider them your babies. Your babies and I love you so much!

@theapoorvagupta and @guptariyagupta are also one of my biggest supporters, my best friends. I always love our long calls, discussing the character developments, you both cursing on Zen but still not wanting the couple to separate🤣 I love how protective you both are for our baby Keit because you see baby Bas in him. and how can I forget, the way you both hate Boonsri, with a passion. I love you too so much!!!!

@ezentachichi It's not been long since we have known each other but your support to this story means a lot to me. I love reading your comments and simply just talking to you.  More love because you also adore our baby Bas. hehehe. Thank you for always being there. Love you!

Special mention to @CassidixI absolutely love reading your comments. I look forward to them. Thank you for giving HHMT a chance.

I love you all and I love all your reactions to this story. I appreciate you and wish you a very happy and healthy life ahead.

A very Happy New Year to you all.💕

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