32.2) The cat is out of the bag

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"Wake up, Kai." Kai whines in his sleep and then nuzzles further in the warmth as arms around him tighten.

"We have to drop Keit at the hospital and then meet with Maya." The words are whispered in his ear but he refuses to wake up. Zen keeps continuously running his fingers through Kai's hair so, how will he?

Zen chuckles and places a kiss on Kai's head. Keit is also dead asleep, having nothing to do with the outside world. Zen decides to remove his hands from around his husband and get ready first. As soon as he gets up from the bed, Kai starts squirming, his hands wandering on the bed, searching for the warmth of Zen's body. Zen's heart soars at the sight in front of him. He smiles and shakes his head and then proceeds to go and get ready.

Kai stretches on bed and finally opens his eyes, pouting when he doesn't see Zen beside him. Such an asshole!

He sits up and checks his phone. His eyes almost fall out from the sockets when he sees a text message from none other than Korn.

I'm okay, Kai. I just needed some time away from everything. Thank you so much for checking on me. Also, congratulations. I saw the news of Yours and Mister Wongsuwan's marriage.

Kai dials Korn's number again. He was so scared about Korn's disappearance but he's glad that his friend is okay. He couldn't check up on him for the past few days because of all the things going on in the family but thankfully he got a reply now.


"KORN! Where were you all this time? I was so worried about you! You could've informed me before disappearing!" Kai scolds, not giving any chance to Korn to speak.

"I'm sorry for worrying you. I know I should've informed you but at that time, I was just so overwhelmed, I just couldn't do anything right."

Kai sighs. He just can't pretend to be mad at Korn, can he?

"It's okay. Don't do it next time. You can always talk to me if there's something bothering you."

Korn smiles at Kai's reply. How can he tell Kai that he is hopelessly in love with him and needed time away to heal his broken heart?

"Thank you so much, Kai. Are you free today?"

"Uh, actually, I have to go to the family lunch today and it's very important."

"Then, tomorrow?"

"Well, I'm not really sure when I'll be free. There is so much going on here. How about I call you when I'm free and then we decide where to meet?"

"Of course. What is happening? Is it something serious?"

"I'll tell you everything in detail when we meet." Korn gives an okay and they end the call. On cue, Zen comes out of the bathroom, drying his hair.

"Who were you talking to?"

"Korn. That man finally decides to call me back!" Zen's face turns serious and Kai tilts his head in confusion.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah." Kai frowns at Zen's reply. What happened to him suddenly?

Kai gets up from the bed and stretches and converts the bed into a sofa. Zen walks out of the room, doing something on his phone and Kai looks at the doorway, lost. Did he do something to upset Zen?

Kai freshens up and exits the room and he sees Zen busy on his laptop.

"Zen. Did I do something to upset you?" Zen looks up from his work and realizes what Kai is talking about. He sighs and opens up his arm, inviting Kai to sit next to him. Kai walks straight towards him and sticks himself next to his husband. Zen rounds his arm on Kai's shoulder and brings him closer to plant a kiss on his forehead.

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